chapter 12

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Next day...

Abhira is in college ...

The lectures were going on ...but she seems to be lost somewhere ...not focusing on the lectures ... Rohan found something change in her behaviour ...her face is different her eyes were showing so many emotions ...he don't know why but seeing her like this making him feel bad ...he wants to talk to her and wants to make all her worries go away...

The class ended ... teacher leaves from there ...she too packed her bags and leave for the canteen as it's recess time ...

She grab normal something light and goes to a particular table and started eating her food...

While Rohan too comes there with his friends... They all were talking about something and laughing when he saw her ...his friend noticed him ...

Vikas:so looking at your project partner?


Vikas: come on Rohan...I think you like her right?

Rohan: what?no way..

Vikas:really?but your eyes were saying something else ...

Karan: boys don't forget she is married...

Vikas:that's why our boy is keeping his feelings inside...

Rohan:it's not like that ...well I'll come in a while

Karan:where are you going aren't we supposed to eat something?

Rohan:you guys can eat I'll eat with her as we have to discuss something... Bye

He goes from there...

Vikas:I am telling you ...he has started feeling something for her and will soon started to love her

Karan:but why the end he is only going to get hurt

Vikas:yep ...I am worried for him but can't do anything as we can't have control over our feelings

Karan:hope he gets what he wants

Vikas:hmm ...let's eat

Karan:hmm ..

Meanwhile he goes to her table with his food...he took a seat infront of her abhira looks at him ...

Rohan: would you mind if I eat with you?

Abhira: no...

They both started eating the food ...while ...

Rohan:can I ask you something?

Abhira:yaa sure ...

Rohan:uhmm ...Is there anything which is bothering you ?cause from past few days I am noticing that you were behaving differently ...I know it might be some issues with your husband all can have issues in their married life but I think there is more than that in your life ...if you want you can share it with me... I swear I'll not judge you for that and open about your feelings will might help you to be happy... And feel relaxed...

Abhira looks at him ...than speaks up

Abhira:*sighed* ... You know I love my husband ...

He felt someone scratch his heart ...

Abhira:but the thing is that he don't ... Our marriage is just a deal of one year ...we both are supposed to get separated after 3 months but I fell for him ... I don't want to but I did... Even the worse thing is that he love someone else about which I know but I don't know that she is the one who got married to his brother ... They both betrayed us by hidding this ...I can't even show my emotions to him as I am only the responsibility but what can I do now ...I am just hating myself for Fallin for him ... It's hurting me ...

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