00 | disclaimer.

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this is solarsirius from 2024. i felt i needed to write a little disclaimer before anyone rereads this or reads this for the first time.

i wrote this book when i was 15 in 2019. i am now 20 and honestly, after rereading this, it is incredibly embarrassing and cringe but i decided to republish it despite of that! there are many things i would have written in differently, but again, i was 15 so i cannot be too mad lolol.

the reason i unpublished this in the first place was because i wasn't comfortable with writing romantic fanfic about real people anymore, which i still stand by personally. but, as i do not plan to rewrite this book with original characters like with my other old day6 fics, i decided it would be good to repost this for anyone interested in reading it again.

there are plenty of things in this that might have aged like milk (like mentions of certain idols or jokes) or references to things that only made sense/were funny in 2019. so this is quite outdated, just a warning!

i hope for any rereaders, this brings back some nostalgia and good (or, well, painful) memories. for any new readers, thank you for deciding to open this book and read it!

i hope you enjoy <3

- solarsirius

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