Chapter 21 - 2020

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The door to my driver room slams and locks and I'm instantly pushed against it, the cold plastic against my back. Charles' grip tightens on my waist as our lips come together, dancing across each other with a now-familiar ease. We're still in our race suits, but Charles makes quick work of mine, unzipping the front and ripping it down my body, pulling my underlayer over my head. I unzip his too, slipping my hands under it so I can get closer to him.

The tension and adrenaline of the race is still running through our veins, driving us on as we stagger towards the sofa and collapse on it, lips never parting. I roll myself on top, but Charles stops me, holding my wrists and waist still.

'No way.' He says, voice raspy.

'Why? Surely you don't want it from behind? You've seen the back of me quite a lot already today.' I tease, moving down to kiss and bite his neck. He stifles a moan.

'Because you started on soft tyres.' He protests, looping an arm around my body and flipping me, before I can react. 'You had an advantage.'

'I always have an advantage over you.' I giggle softly, legs wrapped around him, 'You're always so distracted.'

'I'm not distracted.' His hands move lower on my body and I arch naturally, 'I just can't argue with you any more, so I have to get my frustration out in other ways.'

'Well, you're gonna need to hurry up, because some of us have podiums to get to.' I smirk, seeing his eyes cloud over with a combination of lust and annoyance. It's so easy to wind him up.

But as he begins to work on my body, I can't help the way my eyes roll back, head leaning against the armrest of the sofa and hands gripping his hair. It's brazen, what we're doing, and risky. Dangerous. But for some reason, that just makes it feel a million times better. In that moment, with him, it feels like we're in heaven.


And then it's all going to shit.

'Maya? You in there?' It's Daz's voice, calling me from outside the door, knocking urgently. 'The podium ceremony is soon. You need to come over now.'

Charles raises his head to meet my eyes, and I put my finger to my lips. He nudges my thigh, indicating that I should reply, but I shake my head. In response, I get an eye roll and a squeeze from his hand on my hip, which makes me writhe and lean my head over the armrest.

Big mistake.

Next to the sofa is a small table with a glass of water from earlier resting on it. My head whipping backwards upsets the glass, sending it tumbling off the table and onto the floor. Luckily, it doesn't shatter, but the noise echoes in the quiet space.

Charles and I both freeze, me glaring down at him as he tries not to laugh.

'Maya?' Daz is not giving up, 'I know you're in there. What the hell are you up to?'

I grimace and open my mouth to answer. 'Nothing. Just getting ready.'

'Well, do it faster! You're holding up the whole show!'

'Just go. I'll meet you there.' I try, but he's having none of it.

'No! I know what your time-keeping is like. Just come on!'

I look desperately from the door to Charles, who is enjoying the whole situation far too much, then back. Pushing him off me with my knee, I jump up and grab my race suit, which is discarded near the door and start pulling it on.

'Maya! Earth to Maya! Open the goddamn door!' I can hear the frustration rising in Daz's voice.

'Just give me a minute!' I yell back, looking over at Charles, who is still leaning back casually on the sofa.

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