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“I met this chick at the bar last night and we had some awesome time! She was so hot and willing, I thought she was a prostitute at that time, but no, it turned out that she was…”

It had been more than 30 minutes ever since the newbie spoke nonstop about his dubious conquests while Moran checked and rechecked the perimeter, the time, the wind’s direction, and did not move at all from where he was stalking his victim.

Usually he always worked alone, but for some reason, his handler asked him to take the newbie for a field trip. Of course he refused at first, but the supervisor was adamant because he was their best Sicarius – assassin – and it would help the newbie tremendously if he could see first hand how the master worked.

Moran finally agreed but he asked for double payment since it was not in his job description to train anyone, and the supervisor agreed. He even paid the full amount of gold that he used to pay his agents to him before the job was done.

It actually made his senses tingled – the way this job was rushingly put together without sufficient data, the insistence of bringing the newbie, the quick approval of the double payment – and as a veteran Sicarius, he always trusted his gut feelings.

“The target is approaching.” He informed the newbie when he saw the target of the assassination walk into his view, and the newbie whistled.

“Wow, that’s one hell of a chick alright. Wonder what she did to make someone higher up put a bounty on her.”

Moran did not like the newbie’s tone, but he agreed that the target was indeed very hot.

She was very tall for a woman, with sharp features and fox eyes that made her very seductive and she had a great body from what he could see from the sniper’s scope. Added her long black hair, she almost looked like Bella Hadid the supermodel, only she was not as skinny.

After a few days following her – and even sat beside her in her favorite coffee shop and exchanged greetings – he noticed that she often met strangers in public places and disappeared for a short while. Not long enough for any afternoon delights, but not innocent enough for prying eyes. And that was the thing that made him wonder if it was the reason why she had a price on her head.

He followed her closely, but most of the places she went into were high-end apartments or luxury mansions and private residences – in which he couldn’t have any access to. But since he didn’t have much time to do his usual recon, he had to settle for knowing her whereabouts for a particular time of the day – which was when she went back home at 7 o’clock on the dot – and proceeded with his task.

Which landed him on the rooftop directly in front of her surprisingly modest apartment, at precisely 6 o’clock, together with the mouthy rookie – which was an hour of hell.

Moran held his breath and counted to three when suddenly he heard the unpleasant voice get closer to him.

“Maybe instead of shooting her, we should go inside and make her beg for it? After all she seems to be a whore, judging from the places she went into. Of course the old geezers probably couldn’t handle her judging from how fast she finished.” The rookie chuckled, and Moran froze.

He always did his surveillance alone and there was no way that the rookie would know anything about the target beforehand – unless they kept tabs on him.

“Ah… oops.” The rookie suddenly changed his playful tone and Moran heard a familiar click near his head. “Sorry bro, my bad. Me and my big mouth, that’s what my uncle said.” His voice suddenly turned cold, unlike the playful one before, and Moran realized that this was all a set up. 

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