Chapter 4

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My gaze met hers, sparkling as her breath hitched. Her wide eyes locked onto mine, and from my perspective, it seemed she had settled into the home I had envisioned for the victor, albeit with her arrangement. Her eyes, large and doe-like, held a beauty reminiscent of a deer, yet tempered by the sands of time.

I have long admired various investments and properties, but she remained elusive until an ingenious idea took root in my mind mere days ago. The scent of wood and flowers trailed from her body, reminiscent of a delicate gold chain that draped softly around her neck. Anupama stood, her legs unfolding smoothly like cream flowing down to the earth, imagining them encircling my neck as I indulged deeply.

I yearned to hear her cry out my name, her eyes wide with effort to remain open. She was a dream, distant yet within reach. My plans were laid out, and she unknowingly took her place on my chessboard, the game I relish most.

"Ms. Joshi, perhaps carry less and be mindful of your path," I remarked, a surge of heat coursing through me, masking my irritation with a veneer of indifference. Her eyes, now shadowed with ire, seemed to engulf me. "You could have damaged this," she interjected, thrusting the sacred statue towards me, her brow furrowed. "I could easily acquire countless replacements," I retorted, my tone laced with disinterest.

"You think that of everything and everyone," she snarled, tucking the holy statue into her purse. My gaze wandered to the unexplored aspects of her. I couldn't fathom a man allowing her to walk around as if she weren't the queen piece on the chessboard. I couldn't simply purchase her like any other commodity; I needed to engineer circumstances that would compel her to be in my presence.

"That comes with power," I smirked coldly, watching her friends attempt to restrain her. "Don't let the queen assail her future king, forcing him to kneel." "You should get glasses, Mr. King," she retorted.

"And you, a better attitude," I replied nonchalantly.

"Anu," her friend, appearing to be her age, rushed to her side to silence her. I could easily do that with my fingers and tongue. She wouldn't recall her name afterward. "Mr. King, I apologize," another friend from the competition approached, smiling politely. "It's okay, perhaps just tape her mouth shut," I suggested with a forced, engaging smile.

"Perhaps someone should teach you manners," Anupama retorted, maintaining her distance. "Will you, do it?" I asked with a slight smirk. Leaning down, I whispered, "I assure you, no wildcat like you can tame me," observing the goosebumps appear on her skin. Perfect. I leaned back slowly, watching her cheeks flush. Spectacular.

"I am not a wildcat," she stated, annoyed, as she rolled her beautiful eyes, with her stunning lashes brushing against her cheeks. "You are," I replied coldly, without so much as a flinch.''Aap gufaon ke aadmi,'' she shouts, ''I hope I never see you again.'' 

"I will be seeing you a lot," I scoffed, pointing to the apartment next to hers. I landed the shot right in the center, checkmate. Her eyes widened, and her hands clenched at the mere thought of me being near her, or at least being her neighbor for as long as she resided here. Anupama closed her eyes, attempting to soothe her frazzled nerves.

"Just stay away from me, you—" she sighed heavily. "I will leave you be," I said, moving past her as she muttered curses under her breath. A man called out to me, and although I usually don't respond, I did this time, feeling her intense gaze on me. "Yes?" I replied, my eyes void of any emotion towards the man I now recognized as her friend.

"We're having a restaurant opening, and I hope you'll come," he spoke gently, trying to coax me into something I was already aware of and intended to attend, with or without her consent. I gave him a once-over, trying to ignore the metaphorical steam coming from her head as he invited me. I nodded and walked away, careful not to give Anupama any undue stress before my plan unfolded.

Many obstacles lay between the white piece and the black piece, each endowed with equal powers until they are captured. I have just found the Yin to my Yang, and I cannot afford to be captured.


What an asshole?!

What a daddy!!!!!!

LIKE COME ON!!!! "Perhaps someone should teach you manners,"- Anupama.

"Will you, do it?" - Jonathan king.

Damn god! I am screaming. 

His nickname for her: WILDCAT. 


I AM IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OKAY, I love you'll. 

See you'll next week. 

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Do you'll love Jonathan?


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