Chapter 6

180 13 7

Jonathan King

Clutching the iPad tightly, I watched her face on the screen, my body tensing as her lips moved. My hands gripped the car seat, her figure outlined perfectly. Her beauty was effortless, captivating me completely. Her laughter resonated against the walls, a slight curse slipping out occasionally.

Nico exhaled deeply, irritation clear in his voice. "My team shouldn't be there." I countered firmly, stowing the iPad in the back seat. "She's a star." Nico's eyes rolled. "It's just a ploy," he muttered, "She's oblivious to it."

Despite it being part of my scheme, her beauty under the moon and stars was undeniable, outshining the artificial spotlight. I could wield my influence over all she cherished. I chose not to respond, dismissing his protests and the myriad of reasons he presented to leave her be. "Nicolas, I'm aware of my actions and their execution," I stated emotionlessly, exiting the car.

Henry Black, my formidable bodyguard, appeared at my side unannounced. His loyalty was not out of coercion, but from the fear and respect I commanded. Though a tyrant, I was discerning. I adjusted my blazer meticulously, ensuring not a crease marred its surface. Perfection was imperative. I had never endeavored to impress anyone, not even my mother.

"Even Levi thinks this is a terrible plan," he says, his eyes tinged with red. "You two fail to see the potential investments." Nicolas muttered some colorful words under his breath, "How do you know she will agree?" he asked, his patience with me wearing thin. "She will."

I closed the door behind me and made my way to her restaurant, the sign sparkling. 'Sugar and Spice,' is such a unique name for a beautiful establishment. Stepping inside, I admired the exceptional decor, which complemented the stunning red dress that embraced her so delicately. I wondered if her hair was as soft as it appeared. I had the urge to clasp it in my fist and draw her close.

I wanted to test if she could handle me as deftly as her mouth seemed to suggest. Those same lips, painted red, ready to encircle another. I had mastered self-control over many years, and my cardinal rule was never to blend business with pleasure. But who said I couldn't intertwine heaven with business? They say always leave room for God. I was making space for a Goddess, who was taken aback by my presence.

My gaze shifted from hers as a waiter hurried toward me, looking up as I loomed over him. I observed Adam's apple bob as he regarded me with wide eyes. The atmosphere and chatter around us ceased as they observed me, a few phones raised. I could cause a commotion, but that would only heighten the tension for my fierce wildcat, especially with Mr. Kapadia present.

I sighed, attempting to soften my expression in front of the waiter whose breath was shaky, his hand tightening slightly on the menu. I pulled the menu away, my grey eyes remaining cold and calculated. "Tell your boss to come," I demanded firmly, taking a seat in the VIP area. I had a nagging feeling she wasn't the one behind it; she was probably cursing my existence.

I rolled my eyes, feeling her gaze burning into me as if I were commanding her presence. If she refused, I would pester her staff until she appeared. She might find me annoying, but she had become an irremovable fixture in my thoughts. Papers in hand, I stood with Henry towering beside me.

Her heels clicked softly as she approached, and I could sense her aura, a mix of pure, angelic, and untamed wildness. As she approached, her hair caught in a gentle breeze, igniting a flame in her eyes. "Mr. King, what do you need?" she asked, her smile insincere, her words tinged with sharpness.

I perused the menu, admiring the balance of quality and price. It was remarkable to find such affordable rates in a restaurant with a five-star ambiance and top-notch cuisine. With a sigh, I closed the menu, observing goosebumps on her arms as I crossed my legs. "Give me your special dish," I requested firmly.

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