-°Chapter 1°-

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"But it's so boring..." Y/N yawned.

"Well, read a book..Or explore.." Sophina turns the page of her book.

"Exploring the forest would be great, thanks Sophi!"
Y/N grabbed her broom and waved at Sophina.

"Be careful"

"I will."

Y/N flew to the forest and jumped onto the ground "Oof." She notices a little hut in the middle of the woods.

"Quite unusual. I'll explore it!" She says confidently and runs up to the hut to see the broken door

"What's going on in here?"

You see a police officer, Brad Coleman raising his wand towards an unusual ravennette.

"Hey, where's your mark?"

"She doesn't have one, Miss L/N."

She narrows her eyes "Well he shall be executed"

The ravennette widens his eyes. "W-h-h-what?" The poor teen was shaking violently.

"What about this, show me what you can do and I'll let you live and give you a deal."

The confused ravennette nods.

"Crystalz, BladeForge!" A crystal great sword was in her hands. "You have to fight me"

The teen nods and gets into a fighting stance.

With immense speed, Crystal spears were flying at him. But he shattered them.

"Immense strength huh..You're good. Let's make a deal. I'll let you live in peace. Only if you become a divine visionary. Enroll at Easton tomorrow."

The Ravennette leans his hand out to shake hands and makes the deal.

"Alright. You're gonna go to take the test tomorrow. Don't be late." Y/N says as she runs off and gets on her broom and flies away.

The next day

"Oh my. Training his strength? This is the weirdest entrance exam I've ever seen." The crystal cane chuckles. "Isn't that right, O/B/N?

"Unusual, I can agree." The stone cane just goes and minds his own business. How rude..

After a few exams, Mash passed them. Next was the maze. Instead of finding his way out? He broke his way out. Now that's crazy.

The headmaster, Wahlberg Baigan, appears out of nowhere and takes Mash to the final exam.

"Wooo he passed" Y/N jumps.

After a few days, You decide to go to Easton because it boring at the bureau. You go to the basement and HELL. Mash and the others are fighting the Lang dorm. You decide to join in because why not? You're bored anyways.

You find Finn and Dot fighting Love Cute.

"Well what do we have here?"

"A visionary? What are you doing here!!?" Finn exclaims and clings onto your arm as Dot is just there.. Injured.

"Am I cute?" Love walks up to you and Finn

"no and will never be" Y/N takes her wand

Love gets mad and tries killing you. But bad luck for Love. You're Y/N after all.

"Crystalz." You block Love's attacks and attacked her with Crystal spears.

"Bad luck, I treat everyone equally" Y/N grinned

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