There's two of them? 2

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Everything was normal on the island, as normal it can be, as a moving hunk of metal. That's what I thought today when I had a particular visitor, well visitor's. The day had to start with a "bang" didn't it.

But me and my big mouth had to show it's ugly face, now I'm in a situation where I don't know how to walk around it. So, great morning.

Fabian/W/Wis'adel: "awkward"

Fabian: "wait... I gotta ask something Wis', how did you get in here anyway?" I asked her realizing that how did she managed to get into Rhodes island in the first place. "But then again, she does have a knack of sneaking around."

Wis'adel gave it a thought and shrugged, while grinning at the same time.

Wis'adel: "secret... ehe." She said while bonking her head while sticking out her tongue.

Fabian: "Wis'..." My face twitched in annoyance, and gave up. "why does that phrase 'ehe' remind me of someone?"

Meanwhile in a different universe a certain drunken bard sneezed, wondering who was talking about him.

Fabian: "I swear, I must be imagining things" the more I thought about it, I couldn't come up with anything, so I let it go.

Wis'adel: "why so curious? I'm not hurting or bothering anyone here."

Fabian: "your bothering me right now" one eye brow twitch, and a day worth of my age gone, I gave an exaggerated sigh. "Could use a drink right about now, then again its early in the morning."

Fabian: "well come on, the cafeteria is near let's get some chow before starting the day."

???: "FABIAN!"

While nearing the cafeteria, someone called out my name, me, W and wis'adel turned who called out. It was amiya with someone right behind her.

She wore, something akin to royalty, a  silky white dress, and a face that screamed absolute beauty, (A/N: I'm bad at describing characters) I turned to amiya and asked who was following her.

Fabian: "hey amiya, before anything else, I gotta ask who's the lady behind you?" I pointed behind her.

Amiya: "hm? Someone is following me?" She turned to look behind her and saw no one. "But no one's following me though?" She cutely tilted her head.

The woman in question behind her, raised her finger to her lips, gesturing me to keep quiet while-winking at me.
I mutely nodded, and gave me a smile. And mutely told me, "talk later"

Fabian: "if looks could kill, I'd probably be in heaven right now." And turned to amiya, "never mind, must be the lack of sleep kicking me in the head. Anyways what's up? Need something?" I asked amiya, who was looking at W and wis'adel who was grinning the whole time.

W/wis'adel: "hey little bunny~"

Amiya: "u-um... Fabian.. Why are there two of them?" She pointed at the two women behind me.

Fabian: "I don't know really" I gave her a tired shrug while sighing. "One minute my morning was normal, and the next thing 'boom' two W's" I turned to the both of them, then back to amiya. "As you can see my morning is been great. How's yours?"

Amiya: "o-oh um... It's great actually, I was wondering if I could accompany you to the cafeteria, but seeing your... Well?" She discreetly look at Wis'adel and W, who caught on her gaze and gave her a teasing grin.

Fabian: "less than safe/sane companions?" I finished her sentence, but I knew amiya is isn't the type of person to say such things.

Amiya: "well... Yeah." A small droop on her ears told me, she didn't mean what she said.

Fabian: "well, the more the merrier. Come on it's better to have more people than less." Amiya gave me a cute smile, "damn it, too cute"

Amiya had inversely gave me diabetes by that cute action. "Protect the child"

So my little group, consisting two Identical women, a small child and a ghost. All that by trying to get something to eat...

"Damn it the day hasn't even started yet, and it's already packed."

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