Chapter 16

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I decided to meet Edward for lunch again. He said he had explaining to do. I figured he at least deserved to be heard.
As soon as I walked into the cafe, he looked toward me from the table he was sitting at. When I sat down he was very quiet until he finally spoke.

"I wish I could say that I was sorry for what I did. I really do. I stayed up practically all night trying to figure out why I didn't feel guilty.... Well, I realized that I'm not sorry. I'm glad I did what I did. If I didn't, I would have never been able to kiss you again." He started.
"It pains me knowing we will never have what you and Liam have. I want to marry you. I want to have kids with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Can't you see that?"

I didn't know what to say.
"Edward. If you hadn't been put in jail, maybe we would be together. And-"

"I was set up Alex. I was thrown in jail for something I didn't do." He said in a cold tone.
"You're making it seem like it's my fault. You and I both know it was John."

"I know, I know. The point is, you weren't that far from having what you want." I said.

"Which makes me feel even worse." He admitted. "If I would have been more observant-"

"See now you're blaming yourself and making it seem like it wasn't a set up. If we could go back in time and do it differently, we wouldn't be able to! It wasn't your fault. Just like you said." I told him.

Edward grabbed my hands and held the tight. "I think we should stop being friends. I can't stand to be just friends."

I slipped from his grasp, "Okay. So be it. Goodbye Edward." And with that, I walked back outside.

I couldn't help but feel a little crushed. Ed and I were doing great being friends. I enjoyed taking our walks and eating together. I guess that's all over now. I can't give him what he wants.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Someone yelled at me as I accidentally slammed into them.

I need to get my head out of my ass and focus.

When I finally headed back home, I figured I would make a nice dinner for Liam. It would get my mind off things.
After I finished making spaghetti, I added veggies to the plate and poured us wine. Then I sat and waited for Liam to come back come, he should be back any minute now.
I just kept drinking and drinking as I waited for him to get home. When he finally came home, I was already buzzed.

Liam threw his keys on the counter and looked to me with sorry eyes, "Sorry I'm late!"
He then stopped at looked around.
"Alex you're so sweet darling! You made dinner?"

"I did." I smiled, "Just for you."

"Babe you drank almost a whole bottle of wine!" He laughed, taking his seat at the table, "You didn't even leave me any."

"I feel fine." I giggled, "We have more."
As we ate our dinner, I felt myself getting more drunk. It was nice though.

About half way through dinner, our doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" I said and ran to the door.
When I opened it, there was a very scary looking man outside.
"Hello." I finally said, "Can I help you with anything?"

"Hey sweet cheeks. Good to see you again." He smirked.

See me again? I've never seen you before in my life.
"Oh, um...have I met you before?"

"It's me, Jc!" He exclaimed.

Oh god.
"Oh hi, Jc." I said slowly.
Why the fuck is he here?
The last time I saw Jc was when Liam was visiting me five years ago.

Liam must have heard me say that because in an instant he was by my side.
"I'll take it from here."

I stepped back behind him, but I didn't leave. I crept behind the wall that was right next to the front door. I wanted to know what was up.

"Look, what are you doing here?" Liam asked Jc.

"I need a place to keep..things." Jc explained.

"Here?" Liam asked.

He's not actually considering this is he?!
This is our home. My home. I don't want that around us.

"Look I can hide it in the attic, but if you're not here in a week to pick that shit up, then I'm throwing it out." Liam demanded.

Oh my god. How could he do this?! He's putting not only himself, but he's putting me in danger too!
I was so angry that I slipped out the back door and stormed out of the house.

Before I knew it, I found myself at the Styles'. It was the one place that I actually felt safe.
I didn't even ring the door bell. I stormed right inside.
They should really lock their doors.

"Woah! Who's there?!" Someone yelled.
He ran down the stairs and stopped in his tracks. It was Edward.
"Alex? Are you okay?" Edward asked.

"No! I'm not okay!" I yelled. "I need vodka."
I went straight to their liquor cabinet and began taking out as much alcohol as possible.

"Woahhh there." He took hold of my arm, "Let's not go there."
He then took me upstairs to his room and sat with me, "Alex. What's going on?"

"Thought we weren't friends anymore." I snapped, rolling my eyes right in his face.

Edward sighed, "That doesn't mean I don't care about you anymore."

Without thinking I held onto Edward and smashed my lips against his. He was surprised at first, but shortly after he started to kiss me back.

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