v. assholes

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chapter five

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chapter five.

"THE LOCALS ALL STRIKE THE SAME DISAFFECTED FRONT. These are posers from every corner of the globe. It doesn't matter where they're from. Kids are all the same. Assholes. Only difference is, in this place? The dagger in your back is real." Marcus thought as he paced the school corridors, feeling many eyes on him.

Heather was leaning against a wall. She was waiting for the class to start, her ears filled with the whispers around her.

Whispers as dark as ever, but not as terrifying as in her head.

Her eyes drifted a few yards away to Maria, who was laughing ( a little too much ) out loud. As usual, she wanted to be noticed, but Heather didn't pay the slightest attention until her little blue eyes took note of the girl's interlocutor. . .


Heather couldn't help rolling her eyes. Marias was using her seductive powers once again.

She didn't waste a minute.

To the blue-eyed girl, Maria was nothing but a manipolator and she'd just found her next prey. It was going to be so easy with this boy. He seemed lost and completely manipulable.

Heather stopped chewing her gum for a moment when an asshole stepped into her field of vision, slamming Maria against the locker with a thud.

The asshole was Chico. That bitch's boyfriend.

The two of them were quite a pair.

Heather didn't like him at all. Was that surprising coming from her? Was there anyone in this world heather liked anyway?

Of course there wasn't.

Not that she knew of, anyway.

Chico was on her list of assholes to kill ( and that list was growing by the day ). He was ranked in top 5, what luck!

"Man, get off her," exclaimed a voice in the air.

Heather directed her gaze towards the voice that had just uttered these words. . . Marcus.

Him again?

The little bird wanted to oppose, but how could he with his tiny wings. In this school it was either fly with your own wings or have them clipped.

Marcus had to use his wings to flee, before someone cut them off.

And why was he acting so chivalrous all of sudden? By doing so, he was simply throwing himself into the lion's den.

And that lion was Chico.

When Marcus was punched in the stomach, Heather came to. The boy's groans of pain had brought her back to reality.

She sighed as she chewed her gum in her mouth. The girl straightened up and walked over to the group righ in front of her. . . only to unlock and open her locker right next to Marcus.

Wait, did you really think she was going to help him?

Of course not.

Her locked was unfortunately right next to that idiot and she didn't want to be late for her next class. The bell had just rung in the school.

"Tonight, me and you are going on a date. Wear something nice. We're going to bury you in it." Chico said menacingly, without a smile on his face.

Heather had thought Marcus would survive a little longer here, but in the end he was going to die tonight. He wasn't even going to last more than 24 hours at this school.

What a shame.

But why did her body tense up at the very thought?

Why did she feel her jaw tighten?

And her body enveloped in warmth?

She didn't like this feeling at all, so, to make it go away, Heather slammed her locker violently with a thud.

The girl then turned her pale face to her left, staring into Chico's eyes without even blinking.

But the bastard was far too busy pouring a reddish liquid over Marcus' head before he laughed.

Yet his smile vanished immediately when he saw two small, piercing blue eyes staring at him behind Marcus. He put away his blade and swallowed.

Chico exclaimed one last time, "Go," averting his eyes from the girl as he headed for the classrooms accompanied by his acolytes.

Silence now reigned in the corridor, only two disctinct heartbeats faintly heard like a gentle melody.

Marcus was still standing with his back to Heather, his eyes lowered to the floor as the red liquid ran down his hair.

He was well aware that the blue-eyed girl was still standing behind him. He could feel her icy breath ruffling the hairs on the back of his neck. He'd almost heard her arrive this time, a first.

The boy turned to look at her, but Heather quickly threw a handkerchief in his face, startling him.

Taken by surprise, Marcus still managed to catch it without knocking it to the ground.

"I told you, it's a dangerous school for a pretty face like yours," she said, averting her eyes from him, almost avoiding contact.

Heather walked away, leaving Marcus alone with his dark thoughts. He still held the handkerchief in his right hand and watched the young girl walk away step by step.

Maybe they're not all assholes after all?



Thank you so much, I really hope you enjoy my fanfic :)

See you sooon,

- Lux

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