☆~An..overlord meeting??

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I quickly teleported to my room at the hotel with my powers,locked myself in the bathroom, and picked up my phone.
I immediately picked up and spoke into the phone,
"Hi Lil- ma'am."
I corrected.
I waited for her response,
"Y/N,you know about overlord meetings, right?"
"Well, I need you to go to one and get some information,plus an experience for your time in the pride ring."
With that,she hung up the phone and left me there with no information about it and how I could get there.

A-an overlord meeting hm...?

I've never gone to one, although I've been an overlord for 5 years and very experienced..I'm probably too powerful. I don't need to go.

But if Lilith says so,fine.

I got dressed again,just a few touchups, of course.
Before leaving, I alerted Charlie where I was going so she wouldn't be worried.

I felt like having a drink before leaving, but I didn't want to interact with Husk,sigh-It was only one drink.i didn't have to talk much to him...
I walked towards the bar, trying to finish this quick
I checked for money before asking for a small whiskey,I then layed the money on the counter and sighed before speaking to Husk, who was now glaring at me.

He rolled his eyes and took the cash,
"The fuck you having?" He muttered rudely at me.

I answered,"a small whiskey,just small-im not trying to get fucking drunk before my meeting."
I added with a smirk and sarcasm.
"Unlike you,you probably can't live without any alcohol away from you."
I probably shouldn't have said that,I don't want to cause any drama to ruin my day and get late for my meeting.

He handed me the whiskey and replied.
"Don't go assuming bullshit about me now."
He paused.
"God you're so bitchy,just be a normal customer and don't ask about me or my business"

I decided not to cause unnecessary drama and agreed nonchalantly,
"Yeah you're right,I'm a real bitch.
Don't worry about me either,I know who I am and what my shit is."
I paused for a minute.
"Ypu know,maybe try to communicate instead of pushing your anger on others,this may be hell but there's no excuse to not be a little more respectful to others,especially those you haven't met."
I added realising how corny I sounded,this IS fucking hell.

Husk just stared at me and rested his head in his palms.

I felt embarrassed, but it would brush off soon. This is just an average hell interaction,things in heaven were so much different compared to now.
I reluctantly got up and turned around so I wouldn't be late to my meeting until I felt a hand tug on mine,it was...warm.
I probably hadn't held hands for a while,although this wasn't holding hands in a friendly way,somebody just pulled on mine.
I turned around,Husk?
He suddenly asked me,
"You're an overlord,right?"

Wasn't it obvious?
"Yes." I said.

He looked down and took a pause before asking me something else.
"Fuck not another one of those,don't be like Alastor."

I raised a brow,"why do you all hate Alastor..I mean he seems nice,I guess."

Husk sighed,"forget it,go to your meeting whatever."

I realised I had some more time before the meeting started,I could just teleport there anyways.
I decided to talk to Husk to see if I could bond with him a little.

I paused awkwardly and tried to think of something to cover it up.
Husk stared at me waiting for my response.

"I have a little more time"
I said,then I realised our he was still holding my hand,I didn't let go.

I kept my gaze on his longer than expected but quickly zoned put of it and realised what a fool I was being.
I tried to break the tension by asking a few simple questions.

"So uh...what year did you die..?"
I said awkwardly trying to make conversation.

He answered solidly,
"1970s. You?"
He motioned to me.

I replied,
"(A/N-Choose whatever lmfao)"

I pause for a few minutes trying to think of something to say.
"So..hows your time working as a bartender here,I guess..."
I said.

He looked at me and rolled his eyes,
"Never fucking wanted to."

I was confused and waited for him to continue,why the fuck would you work when you dont enjoy your job,oh right-the payment I guess.

He continued.
"It was that dumbass Al-"
He paused quickly and never finished his sentence. He quickly held his head in his hands before looking back at me and scowling.
"Forget it."

Who? God, why is Husk so hard to communicate with? Just show some respect,honestly not so hard.
But who was he talking about and why didn't he finish his sentence,this has got me thinking,perhaps I'll come for a drink later and get closer to him-The thing is,every chance I get to talk to him or "bond".It doesn't work out.
I need some sort of event.

After an awkward silence,he finally spoke.

"Just go to your shitty meeting already."

I didn't even answer and straightup walked out of there.
God this motherfucker

(A/N I was originally going to include the meeting here,but scrapped it since I was taking a break from uploading chapters for too long.
Also next chapter.Meeting the vees!!)

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