Chapter 8 • Abduct

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Chapter EIGHT

"Oh where are my manners, I'm Kimura Yoshi. I've been eyeing your shop for quite a while now. I'm not really into sweets but I just thought your pastries look delectable. Mind if you share your best seller so I can try?" He took out his sunglasses as he smirked at me.

"Oh yeah of course. You can try our Biscoff Cookie or Vanilla Bean Cupcake." I smiled.

"Hmm, I'll take one of both. To go please."

I nodded and said, "What about beverage sir? Coffee? Refreshers?"

"I'll take a very hot chamomile tea please."

I gave him the total and started preparing his orders. While preparing, he started to form a conversation while waiting for his order.

"I'm actually a friend of Nishimura Riki. I assume you know him?"

"Nishimura Riki?" I'm trying to recall this name when I remember, Ni-ki's ID. His real name is Nishimura Riki. "...Oh yeah, Ni-ki. I know him. He's your friend?"

" he yours too?"

"Um...I guess just someone I know."

"Have you seen him around? I wanted to catch up with him."

I stared at him for a few seconds before handing him his orders. How would I know where Ni-ki is? He just vinished. Maybe I'll just leave every memory of him behind. Just part of the people I used to know.

"No I don't. We're not that close. Here's your order, enjoy!"

He took it and flashed me a smile as he wears his sunglasses, "Nice to meet you...." he looked at my name tag, "...Serena."

"Thank you sir." That's all I replied as I watch him leave.

I let out a sigh of relief as soon as he leaves the shop. I'm not really in a mood to talk about Ni-ki considering he just left me with no word. Not that he owes me anything but like...ugh why the hell am I getting frustrated?!

It's closing time and I closed a bit later than usual tonight due to excessive cleaning. Why do I look like I'm a lonely old lady? I'm only 24 for heaven's sake.

My phone rings and I answer, "Hello?"

It's my brother, "Noona, I'm gonna be away for a week. My friend just booked a flight to Taiwan so I'm leaving tonight. I assume you're not yet home so I decided to call you. I'll be home in 15 to pack my stuff."

"What? Uh...that escalated quickly. Does mom know about this? What about your expenses?"

"Yeah mom transferred some money into my account and the flight ticket was paid by my free so it's all good."

"Uh...okay take care. I'm closing the shop now." I said and hung up the call. As winter is fast approaching, I grabbed my coat and closed the shop.

While closing the shop, a black van just suddenly stopped infront of me and a group of men just came out. I wasn't able to process what's going on and they just grabbed me and force me to get into the van but I resisted so hard.

"Let go of me! What the hell?! Help!!! Somebody help me!!!!" I screamed on the top of my lungs.

Am I going to die tonight? But what about my brother? My family?

These men are wearing a facemask so I'm unable to see their faces. One of them are trying to put something on my nose but I tried my best to pull away.

I was able to elbow one of the men and escaped from their grasps. I started running away and screaming for help. Where are the people in these area?!

"Help!!!!" I screamed as I saw a man slowly walking towards me.

But before I was able to reach him, a pair of arms embraced me and the last thing I remember, is feeling a small cloth cover my mouth and nose with a weird sensation.


"What are we going to do with Gustavo? After bringing half of his men down, I don't think he'll let this pass." Jake said as he puffs he cigarette.

"What do you think, Heeseung?" Jay asked and looked at Heeseung.

Loud music blasting the entire place here in the Clubhouse  where we are but I'm still kind of zoning out when I felt a figure sat beside me.

"Hi boys..." A familiar voice greeted and I looked to see Jade.

"What's for tonight, Jade?" Heeseung asked while nodding at her.

"Oh, we have The Macallan Sherry Oak for tonight. Would you like a bottle?"

"It'll be a pleasure to try." Heeseung winked.

I felt Jade's pair of eyes looking at me. I watch as she seductively placed her hand on mine but I didn't manage to look at her.

"I have a special drink for you, Riki."

I looked at her and didn't say anything. She smirked at me and left to get the drinks.

"So...Ni-ki -san, are you and Jade now a thing?" Jake asked as he sips on his glass of whiskey.

She's not even my type.

"No." I replied coldly. I only have one woman in my mind.

Her smile was replaying in my mind when my phone suddenly rings. I took it out and saw an unknown number calling. My eyebrows furrowed a bit hesitant to answer but still chose to do it.


My whole system immediately fired up when I heard that voice. They noticed my sudden reaction as well.

"Who's this?" I still asked calmly.

"I have a surprise for you. I'm sure you will like what you will hear."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I heard a struggling nose in the background, sounds like the person is resiting to speak.

"Speak or I will kill Ni-ki and let him die infront of you."

But still the person did not talk. I heard a slap noise and I assume that person was just slapped on the face. What the fuck is going on?

The call ended. What the fuck just happened?

"What happened, Ni-ki?" Sunghoon asked.

"I don't-" I was cut-off when I received a message.

I opened and my face is now painted in horror. My heart dropped to my stomach when I saw the message I just received.

It's Serena.

Tied on a chair with hair on her face and bruises everywhere.

"Come if you want her to live. You know where to find me."


Fuck no.

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