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Reedtail opened his eyes

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Reedtail opened his eyes. He was in the clearing where Ripplestorm died. His muzzle was still buried in his father's cold fur. He lifted his head. Ripplestorm is really dead . . . but I imagined Blackstream and taking Ripplestorm back to camp? Did I fall asleep after he died? Is Blackstream in the camp? Oh, StarClan! I have to make sure the Clan is okay! He stood up. He looked at Ripplestorm body. He couldn't leave his father here. He crouched down and pushed Ripplestorm on his back. He grimaced as he carried his father's lifeless body toward the ShadowClan camp. He yowled as loud as he could to get the attention of his Clanmates. Fidgetstorm, Twistedclaw, and Dawntail were leaving the camp.

"Reedtail!" Fidgetstorm exclaimed. "We were leaving to look for you! Where have you-oh, no." His yellow eyes widened when he saw Ripplestorm's body on Reedtail's back. "Here, let me carry him for you." His voice was thick with grief. Reedtail allowed him to transfer Ripplestorm's body to his own back.

"What happened? It looks like a cat did that," Dawntail growled. "Do you have any idea?"

Reedtail held his gaze for a long moment before responding, "It was Blackstream."

"Blackstream?" All three toms sounded confused. "Why would Blackstream do something so monstrous?" Twistedclaw demanded. "And why were you there?"

"Now, now, Twistedclaw," Dawntail muttered. "There's no need to be suspicious of Reedtail when we don't even know the whole story. Come, you can explain inside of the camp." He flicked his tail and the four toms entered the camp. Some of the cats, like Rabbitleap and Amberdawn, immediately looked up and rushed toward Ripplestorm.

"What happened?" Amberdawn demanded. "And where were you?" she asked Reedtail. She looked both confused and suspicious. "Why were you gone along with Ripplestorm?"

"It was Blackstream! Isn't she missing?" Reedtail asked, just as Blackstream came from the warrior's den, her yellow eyes dull with grief and disappointment.

"Reedtail!" she gasped. "What have you done?"

"It wasn't me! It was you! Tell the Clan the truth!" Reedtail snarled. The cats around him and Blackstream began to murmur.

Amberdawn pushed past Reedtail and sniffed Ripplestorm. "Reedtail's scent is all over Ripplestorm. It's strongest on his wound," she explained. "I think Reedtail has some explaining to do."

"I agree," Blackstream growled.

Fallenstar and Lunarpelt, the Clan deputy, came over to the ShadowClan cats, examining the scene. Lunarpelt approached Ripplestorm's body and she, too, gave it a good sniff. "Amberdawn is right to be suspicious."

Reedtail's fur began to bristle. He caught Blakstream's eye. His mother was looking at him with pure disappointment. "I am so disappointed in you." She turned to Fallenstar. "He should not be in this Clan. He's a murderer! How can you trust him?"

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 #3: 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now