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Mousetail was sitting in front of the nursery, her tail flicking impatiently, as if the sun would make way for the moon at her command

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Mousetail was sitting in front of the nursery, her tail flicking impatiently, as if the sun would make way for the moon at her command. It was two days after she spread the message, and now, when dusk came, she needed to go to the Gathering island. The rest of the cats would be there.

"Hey, Mousetail." It was Skystorm. He settled himself down beside her and rubbed his cheek against hers in greeting. "How are you? I'm sorry I've been so busy lately."

"Don't apologize. A good relationship is one where you spend time with others, too," she assured him. "I'm doing okay. Your kits are, too. They're growing faster than ever." She looked down at her swollen belly, full of kits. "I haven't been able to think about anything else but them.

That was a lie. She hadn't been able to think of the kits at all. Hot shame swamped her when she realized.

"That's great." Skystorm's eyes shone with love as he crouched low and touched her belly-the kits-lightly with his nose. He rose again and touched Mousetail's cheek with his muzzle. "Thank you."

"No, thank you. I could have never made it this far without you," Mousetail mewed, gazing into his eyes lovingly. She pressed herself against him and buried her muzzle briefly into his neck fur.

"Neither could I," Skystorm admitted. "Has Badgertooth told you when he thinks they're due?"

"No. Has he told you?" Mousetail asked hopefully.

"No. I was hoping that we could go ask?" Skystorm asked hopefully, his green eyes shining.

"Sure. Come on. I wanted to see how Spottedsong is doing, anyway," Mousetail meowed, getting to her paws with a grunt.

Skystorm led her to the medicine den and they quietly walked inside. Badgertooth was sitting beside Spottedsong's nest, watching intently and silently, his blue eyes wide with concentration. Spottedsong was sleeping soundly in her nest. He looked surprised when he saw Mousetail and Skystorm. "Hello. How are you two this afternoon?"

"Fine, thanks," Skystorm mewed. "We came to ask if you knew when the kits were due."

Badgertooth's eyes shone. "By the looks of it, I would say about four more moons."

Skystorm and Mousetail exchanged excited looks. "Oh, thank you!" Mousetail exhaled in satisfaction.


Badgertooth cut himself off when Spottedsong stirred. He looked at her, as if he expected her to say something. But she just looked at him and Mousetail and Skystorm with confusion. She narrowed her eyes at Mousetail. Her eyes were clouded with confusion. "Is that Dovesong?"

"No, it's just me, Mousetail," Mousetail mewed gently, feelling a stab of misery in her heart. She wished Spottedsong had seen Dovesong. But she knew that they would get Dovesong out of the MoonClan camp tonight.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 #3: 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now