chapter 1

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~Third person pov~
Simon sat at his desk doing paperwork
when there was a knock on his door. He didn't look up from his paper. "Come in." He called out to the person. The door opened and in walked the Scottish sergeant. One of the three people he was in love with. Simon looked up at Soap with his normal bored but authoritative expression. "What do you need Johnny?" He asked the man. Soap smiled and chuckled. "Don't look to happy to see me L.T. I just can to see if you wanted to join me and Gaz for lunch?" Soap said his Scottish accent more pronounced. This told Ghost that the whole lunch will mostly be Soap talking about a new art supply he got or a new artist he was hyper fixated on. Ghost looked at the clock and then his left over paperwork. He sighed and stretched standing up. "Sure Johnny. Did you get new art supplies?" He asked him curiously.

As they walked to the mess hall Soap
spoke about multiple things. He told Ghost about the new Copic markers he got and about a new small artist he saw on Twitter. "She's super cool and comes but with deep elaborate stories for each drawing she makes!" He said excitedly. Ghost listened with a fond look in his eyes that you would only see if you were truly paying attention. Once they made it to the mess hall they walked to their usual table. As they got closer they saw Gaz sitting with a plate of food already. Soap immediately went and sat down at the table. Simon decided to go get his afternoon cup of tea and a ham, salami and cheese sandwich. He made his way back to the group. He noticed that the conversation changed from Soap's hyper fixation to a new topic. One that he didn't know too much about. "I'm telling you man! Having someone submit to you like that... Mwah chef's kiss." Gaz said dramatically. Ghost sat down and watched the two sergeants bicker about whatever. "Aye! No way it's that good! Submitting is more fun especially if you're giving them a challenge." Soap said more dramatically.

Gaz laughed. "Yeah you would know all
about that wouldn't you." He said teasingly. Ghost watched and lifted his mask enough to take a sip of his tea. "Away n’ bile yer heid!" Soap said laughing as he got up and went to get himself food. "So what about you Ghost?" Gaz asked smirking as he picked at his food. Ghost looked up at him. "What about me Garrick?" He asked taking another sip of his tea. "Do you like submitting?... Or making someone submit?..." Gaz asked smirking more. He knew this type of topic flustered the always stoic Lieutenant. Ghost chocked and coughed slightly before clearing his throat and looking down at his food. "That's none of your business." Ghost said defensively.

After that short conversation Soap came back and sat with his food. "So where were we?" Soap asked as he took a bite of his sandwich. "Submission." Ghost said bluntly. Soap looked over at him and chuckled. "Good conversation. But I meant what was I talking to you about L.T." Soap said smiling. "Oh... You were telling me about a new artist and some new markers you got." Ghost said a faint blush coming to his cheeks that was thankful covered by his mask. "Ah right. Her name is Gira! She has this super cool monster au!" Soap said excited as he got out his phone and showed Simon. Simon looked at the artwork that Johnny showed him. Ghost was impressed. "It's pretty good." Ghost said as he inspected every little detail his eyes landed on. Soap smiled more at his response. "I know she's my new favorite artist." He said smiling more. Gaz chuckled and smiled more. "Well lads. I've got paperwork to go do before Price hunts me down." He said jokingly as and stood up and took his dishes to the drop off zone.

Soap laughed at that. "You would love
that!" He called out to him laughing more when the other sergeant flipped him off. Ghost shifted in his sit and finally took the first bite of his sandwich.

Hello my lovelies! Please enjoy and let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes!

Word count: 713

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