Chapter 2

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After lunch Ghost went back to his office to finish up his leftover paperwork. Although when he looked at the clock and back down he noticed he was just staring at the page. Rereading the same sentence over and over again. His mind replaying the conversation with Gaz. He could feel his face heat up again the more he thought about it. He turned his head to the top drawer of his desk. Inside was a bunch of stim toys. Soap got them for him to help him from picking or scratching at is skin and nails. He opened the drawer and grabbed two ideas. A soft fur piece of fabric and a stress ball. He set them down on the desk and reached up to pull his itchy mask off. He then grabbed the soft fabric and gently rubbed it against his face. He loved the feeling of the fabric against his face especially against his glasgow scars.

He grabbed the stress ball with his
other hand and squeezed hard. He sat there and let his mind wander back to the topic. He thought hard. "Would I like making others submit? I mean I already have a lot of people who submit to me. Just not in that way." He sat and thought squeezing the ball every now and then. "That seems like a lot of work. To have someone submit to me in that way. If I were to have sex I wouldn't want that pressure." He thought. Then his mind pulled up an image he wasn't expecting. It was him on his knees. He was naked except for a spiked collar with a bone shaped tag. He legs were spread as he sat back on his heels. He was presenting himself to Soap. He cunt soaking and pulsating ready and waiting to be filled. Ghost jumped when there was a sudden knock on his office door.

He shifted in his chair noticing that his
boxers were sticky. He grunted and blushed bright red. Then there was another knock. "Ghost? May I come in?" Price said from the other side of the door. Ghost quickly put his sensory toys back in the drawer and put his mask back on. "Yes! You can come in the doors open!" He called to Price. Price opened the door and walked into the room. "What can I help you with Sir?" Ghost asked shifting slightly before standing up. Price chuckled as he walked over tothe desk. "Relax Simon. I was just coming to check up on you. Are you done with the reports Laswell gave you?" Price asked noticing the papers on Ghost's desk. "Almost done. Still got a couple of papers to review and fill out." Ghost said to him. Price nodded at his response. "Well I brought some of my work I need to still do." He said calmly.

Ghost shifted again on his feet this
time. "Would you like some company?" He asked Ghost. He smiled slightly behind his mask. He nodded liking the idea of having company. It would distract him enough from his thoughts but keep him focused on his work. "Sure Cap. I'd love some company." He said as he moved some of the papers on his desk so there was a space for Price to do his work. Price sat in the chair in front of the desk as Ghost sat back down in his chair. They both got to work filling out paperwork in comfortable silence. Once they had both finished they sat back and stretched. Ghost looked up at the clock and noticed it was almost time for dinner. He had about an hour of free time before dinner. He pressed his lips together thinking of what he could do. "I know that look. Would you like to go to the training room till dinner?" Price asked smiling.

Ghost looked up at Price. He looked at
the clock again. He then looked back at Price and nodded. "Yeah that sounds good." He said calmly. He got up and stretched again. Price chuckled and got up as well. "Come on. Let's go blow off some steam." He said as they both made their way to the training room together.


Hello my lovelies! Please enjoy and let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes!

Word count: 705

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