Baking [ismet's siblings + kahar]

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- Kahar, Naim and Fakhri living together after KUDRAT (he bcm Firdaus Ismet's adopted son).
- Kahar is learning on how to bake cookies right now since he opened a cafe to afford money for Fakhri n Naim.
- And sorry for my broken english.

º∙👩🏻‍🍳 ₊˚🍪 ˚ෆ

"Crap, I forgot to bought this..."


While Fakhri and Naim is not coming home yet (they were in college), Kahar was going to learn how to bake. It's weird to hear a man like Kahar's want to bake but, that's the reality and it's not wrong.

He owns a cafe right now and the only things he sale is coffee, so he need to add something that suits with coffee. And it's cookies, that's what the first thing that came to his mind.

He already bought the ingredient yesterday, but crap, he forgot to buy some condiment for the cookies.

"Nak keluar kan malas pulak, takut diorang dah balik tak jadi surprise..." sighed Kahar, thinking on how to solve his problem. He didn't tell his brothers about his idea yet, only their parents knows about it.

"Should I ask Keem or the boys to buy it? Nah, no."

Suddenly, a ringing sound disturb Kahar.

It was Naim who calling, he's so shocked and worried if he didn't get to do the cookies right now.

"Naim? Kenapa ni?" he ask.

"Naim dengan Fakhri nak balik dah ni. Abang tengah buat apa tu?"

"Uh, takde apa-apa... Kenapa balik awal tiba2 ni?"

"Class cancel, so kitaorang decide nak balik. Kenapa bang?"

The answers is making him cannot sit well.

"If ada apa2, bagitau la, Naim dengan Ri boleh tolong."


"Kalau macam tu..."


"Assalamualaikum! Naim ni!" both of them knocking the door, in case their brother is sleeping or something.

"WAIT-" Kahar quickly run to the door and open it.

"It's okay, tapi asal abang rushing sangat ni..." Fakhri ask, he put his bag on the sofa and bring the things they bought for Kahar at the kitchen.

"Wait, abang nak baking ke-"

"Tak." Kahar don't want to admit it, it's quite embarrassing but also it's actually for surprise but failed.

"Weh baking, macam best je" Naim who came out from the living room suddenly popped up behind Kahar.

"No... It's actually..."

"New idea for your cafe right?"



"Why you didn't tell us about this? We can help you, abang." Naim just cross his hand (hug himself idk what it's called).

"Abang just... Taknak susahkan korang. Korang perlu fokus dengan kolej kan? So abang just bagitau mama dan papa, and abang nak buat surprise kat korang.."

Seeing Kahar like that making Fakhri and Naim decided to hug their brother. They knew that Kahar's feels guilty about the past, but that's not the reason for Kahar to doing that.

"Tak susah pun... Kita kan adik beradik?" Fakhri try to comfort his brother, don't want to see his brother cry.

"Yeah, benda lama jangan diungkit, abang dah buat macam2 untuk kitaorang sekarang. Naim happy sangat."

The eldest eyes is so glassy because of the tears that he try to hold. He quickly wipe it and respond to them with a smile.

"Ha, senyum kan baru maniss~"

"Alang2 abang nak buat cookies, apa kata kita buat sama2? Try sama2?" The idea suddenly popped up from Naim's mind, plus baking is fun when we do it together with our loved person, family, friends or lover.

"Aku dengan abang buat cookies, abang Naim basuh pinggan." tease Fakhri, try to lighten up the mood. All of them laughing together. Kahar's feel so happy and grateful that he found a new family that loved him, even in the past, he has a lot of sins on the siblings.

" Kalau macam tu, jom lah!"

The End of 'Baking. [ismet's siblings + kahar ]''


From author:
Hi ges, it's me yuni and sorry for the late comeback and sorry for not continuing on doing HS fanfics, It just me being random on continue fonding on some fandom and yeah, right now is in my PHC phase.

In shaa Allah if I have a mood on continue watching Pok Ro and Horror Squad, I will continue write some ff about them.

For right now, I was planning on doing some fanfics abt Kahar's life after KUDRAT, and if someone have any idea to tell, just tell me.

'kay byee!!

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