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Mousetail hurried toward the camp, desperate to get back before anyone realized she was gone

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Mousetail hurried toward the camp, desperate to get back before anyone realized she was gone. The dark storm clouds overhead made her doubts even worse. But then, the moon was hidden. The cats trying to get Dovesong and Moonclaw back would have a better chance if the MoonClan cats were just as strong as regular cats. It would be an even battle.

But Mousetail also believed along with the rest of her Clan that when clouds covered the stars, StarClan wasn't watching. So now, the cats had no StarClan to guide them. They were alone. But she still desperately hoped that they could get Dovesong and Moonclaw back safely.

When Mousetail hurried into camp, she glanced behind her nervously, expecting to see that someone had followed her for some odd reason. But when she wasn't looking in front of her, she crashed into another cat. The scent of Lynxstar flooded over her. Her heart lurched. She would have to explain what she had been doing. She looked at her mother, shaking with fear.

"And what were you doing out there?" Lynxstar asked, narrowing her eyes at her daughter.

"I-I had to make dirt," Mousetail explained quickly, her pelt hot with embarrassment and shame. "But I went the long way to stretch my legs. Being stuck inside camp has made me exhausted." Technically, that wasn't a lie. She was exhausted from being stuck in camp all the time.

"So you say." Lynxstar's mew was skeptical. "I can scent the rest of the four Clans on you. You've been missing for nearly half the night. Tell me the truth."

Fox dung! I should have been more sneaky about it. "I . . ." Mousetail trailed away, looking up at her mother fearfully. What would Lynxstar say when she found out that Mousetail had been on a dangerous mission? Would she punish her? "I don't know how to explain."

"Mousetail," Lynxstar sighed, her gaze softening. "You're a warrior now, but I'm still your mother. You can tell me anything. We can go somewhere private if you don't want to talk about it here."

Mousetail sighed, knowing that she could never lie to Lynxstar. She was her leader and her mother. It seemed wrong. "Fine. I wanted to save Dovesong. I've been worrying about her every day and every night. I haven't even had time to think about the kits. Just Dovesong. So I set off to gather my friends from different Clans so we could save her. And I met them at the Gathering island. And now they're going to attempt to save her."

"Mousetail!" Lynxstar gasped. Mousetail felt small all of a sudden, as if she were a kit being scolded for misbehaving again. "You put other Clans in danger by doing this. Do you remember who is holding Moonclaw and Dovesong captive? MoonClan! They're going to die because of your poor choices."

"I know, but they were all willing . . ." But it wasn't true. They weren't all willing. She felt so ashamed and so small all of a sudden, but then, with self-reassurance, she straightened up and reminded herself that it was for Dovesong. "This is Dovesong we're talking about! She could be hurt. She could've died . . . she could be dead! Lynxstar, don't you care?" Then she immediately turned her gaze to her paws, feeling hot with shame. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have talked back."

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 #3: 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now