4 - First Times (spicy)

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"Watch your steps, don't fall- Jesus, Cait!", he chuckled and reached towards her, wrapped his arm around her from behind and pulled her against him to prevent her from stumbling inside the house. "Good night, William and Cait! It was a beautiful evening!", mister Darcy waved his goodbyes while leading his own tipsy wife further down the street. At some point during the evening the women had decided to join the bar and Cait had fallen in love with a drink called gin tonic. It took four drinks to... well... take her out. Cait wasn't used to drinking at all, maybe a glass of champagne every now and there but 4 long drinks? And misses Darcy had at least seven of those diabolic drinks! The dance ended for the Darcys, their friends, daughter and soon son in law and the Tavingtons around one in the morning and when Cait reached the front door she tried to push it open but her hand was way too far away from the door at all. If William wouldn't have grabbed her she'd definitely fall over. "Good night! Cait- oh god...", he waved back to the Darcys who couldn't hold back their laughter and eventually stumbled inside with Cait still in his arms.

He walked her into the bedroom and put on the light at the bedside table before taking off his own boots. Cait sat on the edge of the bed and watched him while not being able to stop her giggling. "You are... one annoying... brat... ouch-!", he cursed when hitting his elbow at the wall and stumbling forward towards her. Perhaps he was a little tipsy too... "A brat? Take that back!", she grabbed a pillow and threw it at him - it hit his face and she finally bursted into laughter.

That was it. William didn't care anymore, he picked up the pillow and threw it back at her. She fell back onto the mattress and laughed even more. William crawled on top of her and pushed another pillow into her face. "Don't you try- I'll suffocate you when you're sleeping, you little snorer!" - "I don't snore!" And hell broke loose. Well, maybe not hell but indeed a serious pillow fight. When Cait managed to push William off her she tried to push a pillow against his face too but he was faster, grabbed her by her wrists and eventually pulled her on top of him.

She stared into his bright blue eyes and he stared back into her hazel ones. Oh how badly he wanted her... but taking advantage of the drunken state she was in was simply not how he got rais- "Kiss me." - "Excuse me?" Cait didn't say it again. Telling him once should've been enough but obviously it wasn't. He was by far stronger than her and if he didn't like it he could just push her off, maybe she should just give it a try then. She bent down further and eventually pushed her lips against his.

For a short moment William closed his eyes and felt as if the world was spinning around again - another time warm? No, unfortunately only being drunk. At least the kiss felt... well... divine. "Mh dat mph dt mhhh-" - "Oh shut up for once-", Cait broke the kiss only to hiss at him and eventually kiss him again. William chuckled into the second kiss and wrapped his arms around her waist. "You're drunk-", he huffed when she pulled away to catch some air before pushing herself against him for the third time. "So are you.", she whispered during the fourth break and when she pulled away from him for the fifth time she eventually looked into his eyes "I mean yes... but no... this is it?" - "Silly girl, this isn't it. Close your eyes.", he murmured and rolled her over before kissing her again. And this time he really kissed her - he didn't only push his lips against hers, he slowly sucked on them, forced his tongue into her mouth and earned a rather pleased moan from underneath. She'd definitely regret that behavior tomorrow...

But she did not. Cait didn't know when she fell asleep, obviously somewhere in between all those kisses, but when she woke up she knew she wanted more. She turned her face to look at William who was slowly breathing and still peacefully sleeping and eventually moved closer. "William... do you think... hey, wake up! Do you think I'm pregnant now?" William's eyes shut open and he turned his head to look at her. "W-wh-what?" 

Maybe Cait should've read one of those biology books too. She still had absolutely no clue about how women get pregnant. A maid once told her it happens by kissing and so of course she thought she now was pregnant with triplets at least. "We kissed." - "That is not how it works for what I know." Cait blinked. "What do you know?" - "A lot." Cait blinked again. "Do you think you could share a little of your knowledge?" William blinked. "No. I mean... maybe if you kiss me again." Cait giggled, moved closer and eventually pecked his lips. "So?"

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