Chapter 3

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I, Yuzuki Otsuki, never really had much ambition...actually...I've never really had a purpose to do anything or to be anyone. I don't know who my family is and I don't know what talents I have. Some people have told me that I was smart, some people have told me that I was strong. I didn't really get it. Such things never interested me, and it probably never will. I was also never interested in the concept of freedom...or the concept of friends. I never had the drive, motivation or the will to pursue any of these things...but it's not like I could've pursued them much anyway given my situation in this facility. Still, if I had the will, I probably would have at least tried, despite my personality.

However, there was one thing that always stood out to me even when I was a young child, barely being able to walk; and that was the beauty of nature...or rather the beauty of life. The trees, the animals, the sky, even the children here and the insects, they all fascinated me. It fascinated me to the point where I had the deep desire to explore all of these things and see how they work. Books, videos and simulated reality alone cannot satisfy my desire to explore. I wanted to feel different types of plants, different types of animals, different types of people, different types of landscapes, different all excited me!

Which is why...I had to get out of this place. This place has continued to rob me and others who might have the same desire as me. Those who wanted to escape, those who wanted to see the outside world...I shudder when I think what might have happened to them. This place was unforgiving and merciless. But despite that...I was not one to want to rush this process and risk myself into doing something stupid. I was totally fine with waiting many more years just to be able to go outside. Thinking about it, the main reason why I was totally fine with waiting, no...what made the concept of waiting so bearable to me was mainly because of two wonderful friends that I have made here and that I am so grateful for, Arashi and Kenichi. Even though they are brothers, their personalities are so different which makes them quite interesting to talk to.

Kenichi is always the clever one and always has something to say about something, which actually makes him so funny! Too bad he never seems to talk to me when Arashi isn't there though. Speaking of Arashi, he is always so much more quiet, and he's more composed, too. His insights and his intelligence fascinates me, and I enjoy every second when he sits next to me and spends time with me admiring nature. Even the silence we spend together is enjoyable! They have made my life here so much more meaningful...I couldn't imagine losing them.

Which is why I can't accept Arashi's request to help him. I can't afford to lose him. Because at the end of the day, I want to go to the outside world with both of them, without any risks. I would do anything to achieve that wish.

Which is why I hope that someday...someday we will get out of here.

Which is why I pray...I pray deep in my heart that we will endure this together.


It was now the middle of December, and the temperature has dropped more than 10 degrees since two weeks ago. That would mean that we are currently below the freezing temperature of water, and it is very likely that it will snow during the day, with a near 100% that it will snow tonight. This is not a problem for our routine and there will be no changes to our routine aside from our uniforms, as this was all expected. It's not too bad since we have heaters inside, don't go outside in the night. For me though, I might take some time to adapt to the sudden temperature change.

Though, it looks like Kenichi adapted to the change better than I did. As I went into the shower after him, I noticed the shower was set on cold water. What in the world? Truly, one of the most insane things I've seen he's done. All I did was look at him with a confused look on his face and he looked back at me with a similarly confused face, as if he's saying: "What are you confused about?"Even though he's my brother, I cannot understand half of the things he does.

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