Solifugae (Solifugids)

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Solifugae is an order of animals in the class Arachnida known variously as camel spiders, wind scorpions, sun spiders, or solifuges. The order includes more than 1,000 described species in about 147 genera. Despite the common names, they are neither true scorpions
(Scorpiones) nor true spiders (Araneae).

Habitat: The Solifugae generally inhabit warm & dry habitats, including virtually all warm deserts & scrublands in all continents except Antarctica & Australia

Diet/Prey: Solifugae species are carnivorous or omnivorous, with most feeding on termites, darklings, & other small, terrestrial-dwelling arthropods. They are aggressive hunters & voracious opportunistic feeders & have been recorded as feeding on snakes, small lizards & even birds & rodents.

Predators: Various other predators, such as the large slit-faced Bat, scorpions, toads, & other insectivores, may prey on the Solifugae.

Subspecies: about 1,100

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