Investigating the Incident

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Author's Note: So, I wrote this for a challenge of sorts where I had to keep the word limit to 3k and it was to be about some incident at Hogwarts. And of course, who better to have as a detective than Garreth? lol

So my twin MCs, Estelle and Cael Ilson, are featured, but there's also another original character! My good friend Polaris (or eClear)'s original character Artemis Loreley is here! She and I have been talking so much about our MCs, and we love them so much, so I hope you guys also love what I did for them!

Happy reading! :]


"Can you believe that incident?"

"Ah, yes, the one involving slugs."

"I thought it involved rain!"

"No, no, it was something to do with bats!"

Garreth shook his head as he walked past the conversing portraits. "They're still talking about that incident," he muttered, completely astonished. Was the rumor mill running dry for once?

Leander shrugged. "Just get used to it. They've been like that for the past couple years."

"But to talk about an incident that was years and years ago and bring it up now?" Garreth ruffled his hair in thought. Maybe something reminded them of it.

"It wasn't 'years and years' ago!" The Fat Lady portrait indignantly said. She looked at the two redheads with some amusement while swirling a glass of wine. "It was just two years ago. In fact...I believe it was even in your year." She looked to the right. "Isn't that right, Violet?"

"Oh, yes!" Violet chirped from visiting a portrait nearby. She lifted her own glass of wine. "It was quite the incident!"

"What was the incident?" Garreth asked. He couldn't believe there was an incident during his time, and he didn't know about it from actual people, just portraits!

"I believe it had to do with fireworks," The Fat Lady mused before sipping her wine.

"No, no, it involved the Giant Squid in the Black Lake!" Violet insisted, running through the portraits to stand next to her friend.

"Violet, dear, I've been protecting the Gryffindor House for centuries! I think I have a better memory than you."

"What about that black-out you had— Oh, now that I think about it, I think there was something to do with darkness!"

Leander rolled his eyes at the back-and-forth. "Aperta Nunc," he impatiently said.

"Yes, yes, go on in," The Fat Lady dismissively said with a wave of her hand as her portrait swung open.

The two redheads walked in and Garreth spoke up, "Do you know about this incident?"

Leander shrugged. "It was during our fifth-year. You know how hectic everything was back then. If you didn't know about it, I certainly don't know about it."

Garreth sighed and put his hand to his chin. "Someone had to have known," he mumbled. Maybe Natty? He would have to ask her tomorrow as it was already late in the evening.

Leander stared at him. "...You're not going to let this go anytime soon, are you?"


After Garreth didn't get any leads from Natty or Nellie or Cressida or even Eric, he realized who would be better to ask: the two that were the new fifth-years at the time. He knew the Ilson twins were involved in practically everything that happened that year (with Estelle even getting him his Fwooper feather and Billywig stings).

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