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A/N : thank you whoever you are for reading my fanfiction, just know that I don't support any of the yandere behaviors if you think it's hot or cool please seek for professional help. And also English is not my first language as you can see with the title I'M FRENCH. so please correct me if there's mistakes!

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You and your mother never agreed on anything. Rather it was the use of magic, the school you wanted to go or even what you wanted to do when you'd be a grown man.

When you were younger you agreed with your mother of course because when you're young, you don't always have an opinion on things.

When you were younger, you used to enjoy doing what your mother told you to do, you never disagreed with her choices, you were a perfect extension of her you even looked like her. But growing up, you started to think it was all weird and creepy to be an exact copy of your mom. Which led to you and your dear mother having a huge fight. You didn't addressed any words to her since then, which was some months ago.

Right now you think that you should've listened to her for at least one thing which was to be aware of people stronger than you, rather it was physically, academically or even in therms of magic. And to not befriend him.

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It's been barely some minutes since you arrived at Night Raven College and you weren't happy about it at all. You didn't wanted to go here for two reasons. First your mom wanted you to go there. And Second you knew you wouldn't fit in.

If there's one thing you absolutely hated in life it was standing out so much that people noticed you and judged you for being different. You didn't really cared if others wanted to be the center of attention but you? You refused that.

On the contrary to another dude that didn't seemed bothered by it, which was called Yuu or something along those lines... Which first got all the attention on him for being magicless, which you didn't thought was even possible, then got almost got BEHEADED for making the dorm leader of heartslabyul fall and finally was thrown in a run down dorm because he wasn't fit for any dorm. So now here you are, thinking you won't have any dorm because you knew you weren't cut out for this one particular school. But you had luck! You ended up in dorm and didn't get any spot light on you! However, because of course it wouldn't be funny if everything was simple for you, right? You ended up in the dorm with the same guy that tried to behead the magicless boy. For some odd reasons that dorm leader was familiar to you but you simply shrugged it off.

'It's gonna be okay!' You thought, while walking towards the mirror that was supposed to lead you to your dorm with all the other students. 'just gotta do like I did with my class representative in middle school! Plus on the good side it isn't the dorm mom wanted me to end up in!' Oh if only you knew how hard it'll be.

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You got your own room, which was good because no way in hell were you sharing your personal space, and decided to throw yourself onto your bed. 

You tried to organize your thoughts. There was so much things going on that you didn't notice until now how tense your body was.

You took a deep breath and rolled over so you were laying on your back, looking at the ceiling. "At least I won't have to see this old hag again.. Her and her stupid rules and her stupid way of thinking... And her stupid French poems!" Without noticing it before you started sobbing. You missed your mother. Despite everything, you missed her. You loved her.

You kept on crying for what felt like hours, which was in fact barely thirty minutes, repeating in loop the only poem that your mother used to read to you when you were young that you actually memorized which was titled Le loup et l'agneau. You didn't remember in which collection of poems it was or who actually wrote it. But one thing was sure, you knew this poem by heart.

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"La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure :
Nous l'allons montrer tout à l'heure.
Un Agneau se désaltérait
Dans le courant d'une onde pure.
Un Loup survient à jeun qui cherchait aventure,
Et que la faim en ces lieux attirait.
"Qui te rend si hardi de troubler mon breuvage ?
Dit cet animal plein de rage :
Tu seras châtié de ta témérité.
— Sire, répond l'Agneau, que votre Majesté
Ne se mette pas en colère ;
Mais plutôt qu'elle considère
Que je me vas désaltérant
Dans le courant,
Plus de vingt pas au-dessous d'Elle,
Et que par conséquent, en aucune façon,
Je ne puis troubler sa boisson.
— Tu la troubles, reprit cette bête cruelle,
Et je sais que de moi tu médis l'an passé.
— Comment l'aurais-je fait si je n'étais pas né ?
Reprit l'Agneau, je tette encore ma mère.
— Si ce n'est toi, c'est donc ton frère.
— Je n'en ai point.
— C'est donc quelqu'un des tiens :
Car vous ne m'épargnez guère,
Vous, vos bergers, et vos chiens.
On me l'a dit : il faut que je me venge."
Là-dessus, au fond des forêts
Le Loup l'emporte, et puis le mange,
Sans autre forme de procès."

-: ✧ :-゜・.🗝

You didn't join for dinner that night as you fell asleep after shedding so much tears. And your absence didn't go unnoticed by the dorm leader to your big dismay.

First thing in the morning as you were going to leave for breakfast, when you opened the door, you were face to face with the dorm leader.

You looked at him confused, "uhhh... Hello can I help you?" You said leaning against the dorm frame. "Why didn't you show up for dinner last night?" He said with a rather firm tone. It didn't seem like he was asking. 'Damn, so he's the type to have a huge stick up in the ass...' you snickered silently at your thought. "So? Why didn't you show up?" He demanded again. At this point, you knew you couldn't dodge that question so you pulled your best "I actually do care and I'm sorry" act and started apologizing. "Ah... Was it obligatory to go and eat dinner? I'm sorry I didn't know... It's just that... I had a fight with my mother before coming here and... I love her very much and I feel bad we got a misunderstanding over something that isn't that big of a deal... I felt so bad I cried and... I didn't feel like eating dinner with puffy eyes and my feelings all over the place." You lied. Well, it was half a lie because you did cry because of your mother last night and felt bad about it but you didn't really cared if you actually missed dinner, you didn't want to eat with total strangers your age anyway!

Your little story seemed to work since the dorm leader's eyes seemed to lit up when you talked about your mom. An almost invisible blush was spread across his face before he coughed into his hand and told you that it was okay, but only for this time! Before he left he turned around to look at you, "Please don't miss any meal again... I... I understand that you felt bad about your mother but don't ruin your health because of it [Y/N]." He declared before turning around and walking away probably to eat breakfast. What took you off guard and made you freeze for a small instant was that somehow, he knew your name.

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A/n : henlo people, I'm the writer of this fanfiction and I won't tell you the usual thing that Twisted wonderland doesn't belongs to me and blah blah blah... Anyways if you thought that the name and writing style of the fanfiction is quite similar to another one where the author had totally disappear well ta-daa it's me. The reason I lost this account is because the email that goes with it was deleted and I can't go back to the account since I don't have the password... Sad isn't it? What's even sadder is that I won't be able to continue this first story since the notes were erased when I got a new phone... Well at least I'm back!
Hope y'all can enjoy this story!

𝓛𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓹 𝓮𝓽 𝓵'𝓪𝓰𝓷𝓮𝓪𝓾  || Yandere Riddle x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now