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You followed Riddle all while Ace pleas fell into deaf ears. The silence between you and your dorm leader was somewhat awkward. Well not for the both of you, you were the only one awkward about all of this. As for Riddle, he seemed determined to lead you somewhere, but where exactly? You didn't know.

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The both of you arrived at the dorm, which led you to give a confused glance to the red haired boy. "What are we doing here... Exactly?" You asked wondering why did he took you here when there was probably a spot that was way closer than the dorm gardens.

Riddle just took a bucket of red paint and a brush, handing them to you. You still stared at him dumbfounded which seemed to anger him once again, his face starting to get red. "Take the brush and paint the white roses red idiot!!" He yelled at you to which you comply quietly, not wanting him to yell at you like an angry chihuahua... 'He'll need to fix his anger issues at some point..."

You were painting silently when out of blue, Riddle started to speak. "It was so much easier when we were little boys, don't you think?" He asked you, with a despaired sigh. "I'm sorry, what?" You look at him confused. "Don't you remember? When we were younger? We were friends [Y/N]..." He turned to look at you with slight desperation in his eyes, as if begging you to remember those times. But you don't remember, you barely remember anything from when you were a little kid. Your mother told you that it was because you experienced a trauma and as an answer to that, your brain whipped out all of your memories. Of course this old hag, like how you like to call her, didn't want to explain what happened for you to forget it all.

"I'm really sorry but... I barely remember anything from when I was a kid actually. In my eyes, I just met you a few days ago..." You explained with a sorry look. At this point you stopped painting the roses since you understood it was just an excuse for him to talk to you.

Riddle face fell. He looked absolutely devastated. "You... You mean you don't remember me? You don't remember all the things we did together? All the time we spent together?!" He yelled in frustration gripping your forearm so tightly you thought it would break. But he quickly calmed down sighing for the hundredth time today and shook his head. "I should've known, I I should've noticed..." He mumbled, more to himself then to you. "I should have understood this sooner otherwise you wouldn't have behaved like that." "Like what?" I stare at him almost offended. He just answered with a slight chuckle. "Nothing you need to be worried about"

After this slightly nerve wracking talk, you and Riddle restarted to paint the white roses red in a comfortable silence. "Hey Riddle?" He answered you with a small hum. "How about we... How do I say that... Become friends and learn to know each other for the second time?" Riddle didn't respond right away. If you were looking at him at this very moment, you would've been able to see the sour scowl on his face. But of course you didn't see it, it would be too easy. "I'd love that!" He exclaimed, little did you know he wasn't exactly happy of becoming your friend again...

"Also... Do you intend to leave me with this collar on or you'll respect your promise to remove it?" You asked with a chuckle, as if it was really something to laugh about, when this collar was almost strangling you with how tight it was around your neck. "I didn't promise anything. I said that I'd remove it if you helped me, I didn't promise to remove it."

There was an awkward silence. This silence barely lasted 30 seconds but to you, it was like an eternity. He then proceeded to remove the collar with a flick of his pen. "Just kidding" He said with a teasing smile and started to laugh at the betrayed look on your face. "THAT'S NOT VERY FUNNY!!!"

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When it was time to go back to class you couldn't help but ponder "how come I was friends with Riddle?". To you, it didn't make sense, you and Riddle had barely anything in common. He was the type to be top student, and on the other hand, you were the type to use people at your advantage to get out of trouble, which is the reason why you started to get closer from Riddle in the first place. Perhaps you were different when you were a little kid?

You pondered so much about that question that teachers called out on you multiple times, for not being focused enough. Plus thinking about it so much gave you a headache... From now on, you're just going to get along with Riddle and stay on his good side.

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After this long day and a dinner rather awkward, since nobody dared to talk and for some even eat because they feared to offend and so, anger Riddle in some way, you went to bed. Readying yourself to let morphea engulf you in a tight and comforting hug. After 5 minutes or so, you fell asleep.

You hopped your night would be peaceful this time? Well no. You once again had a weird dream. Except that this time you were a little kid. You could also see Chenya, Trey and... Riddle?

For once, it's a nice dream. You, Chenya, Trey and Riddle played hide and seek, tag and many other games. You ate tarts with your friends, you laughed... Everything seemed so... Perfect. 'Is it my memories?...' You asked yourself. 'Why did I forgot such wonderful memories...?'

And suddenly you heard yellings. It was an adult woman but you couldn't tell who. Was it your mother? Trey's mother? You didn't know. And then it started raining but... It wasn't water, it was a black syrupy like liquid. You've already seen this liquid, but where? The yellings started to intensify. And then, you woke up. Your alarm clock was what you thought were yellings. But a part of you feels like all of this. All of that. It all already happened.

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A/N: Hello I'm back!! Really sorry I didn't publish I had exams and afterwards some well deserved days off so I decided to relax a bit... Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and also, I'm really happy we reached a hundred reads, it already means a lot! Thanks for your support, dear readers!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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