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The day went on smoothly and rather fast for the most part. Except breakfast. Breakfast was really awkward for you. Mostly because you were seated right in front of the dorm leader because apparently everyone is scared of him. But who wouldn't be scared when someone that you don't know wants to cut your head off?!

At least during breakfast you learned that the dorm leader was named Riddle since that's how Trey called him, which you knew since your mother and his parents got quite along for some reason, tried to calm him down after some idiot spilled some orange juice on the table, what a dumbass. And you also learned that he wasn't really cutting people's head off but just casted a spell that sealed their magic. But now you think that it's really creepy to call a spell that way.

-: ✧ :-゜・.🎐

At least this day went on quickly. So now here you are, too tired of keeping a fake facade in front of Riddle during dinner, because of course no one wanted to sit in front of him yet again, who was rambling about how two students got in trouble of course you didn't remember why but you agreed with the tiny tyrant for one thing, you need to be fucking stupid for not trying to keep a low profile in such a prestigious school.

"Are they stupid? Don't they know that getting in trouble in a school like this one is one of the worst thing that could happen to them? ESPECIALLY ON THE FIRST DAY??" You told Riddle with wide eyes, as if this was the most unbelievable thing you ever heard, which wasn't the case. You've heard and even seen worse. Way worse. "I know right? Plus our dorm is supposed to represent the queen of hearts! Don't they know they're being disrespectful and tainting the reputation of our dorm?" Riddle agreed with your statement to which you answered with a simple nod.

After that you kept on talking with Riddle during the whole dinner which elected some weird looks from others because how did you do to befriend THE Riddle Rosehearts, the same guy who was considered a tyrant! Well the answer is simple and it's called, adapting yourself. The only reason you wanted to befriend him was to be left off the hook.

After dinner, you were dead tired. Tired from everything. Tired of classes even if it's only been a day and tired of keeping up a facade so you don't end up with Riddle screaming "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD" at you because you didn't behaved like he wanted to. In fact you were so tired that the moment your head hit the pillow, you fell instantly asleep.

Of course your room needed to be close to the lounge and the kitchen so in the middle of the night you heard someone yelling and that woke you up.

You got out of bed and walked towards the kitchen, half asleep, to see what was going on.

You saw some dude exist the kitchen with a collar and Riddle fuming with rage. Since you still wanted to be on the dorm leader good side, you walked up to him, hopping to cheer him up. "Hey Riddle?" You putted your hand on his shoulder, in a reassuring gesture. "WHAT?!" He shot back, turning his face towards you. He was so angry his face was blood red. If you didn't know any better you'd think he was about to explode. "I know I shouldn't be awake because of the curfew, but I heard shouts and I wanted to know if you were okay." You said almost caring about him for real. His features softened and his face was no longer red. He pushed your hand away and started to walk away in the direction of the corridor. "Yeah I'm fine don't worry, go back to sleep." He said with a sigh. "You sure? If you want to talk I'm... Erm... Here for you...?" You told him awkwardly, as if you weren't sure yourself if you wanted to talk with him about it. Riddle chuckled at your uncertainty, which almost made you offended. "Yeah I'm sure, don't worry. Go back to sleep [Y/N], I wouldn't want you to be tired tomorrow." And just like that he walked away back to his room, leaving you dumbfounded. That's when you realize that you still didn't know how he knew your name. "WAIT HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!" You whisper shouted in the dark corridor, of course, no answer, he was probably already back in his room. You were too sleepy to think about it, so you just shrugged it off and walked back to your room thinking that perhaps, with how uptight he was, he memorized every single first year names or something like that.

While you walked back to your room, you saw Trey and he looked rather... Stressed? "You're... Not the student who got collared, are you?" You shook your head, to which he sighed in relief. "Okay... Have you seen Riddle?" He asked, still looking quite tense. "Yes, he went back to his room just now, why?" You answered, a bit curious on why he was looking for him. "Thanks, and don't worry, I just need to talk to him. Go back to sleep [Y/N], you wouldn't want riddle to cut your head now, do you?" He said with a chuckle probably to ease tensions which didn't work since you answered with a tiny glare because having your head cut off wasn't something funny, even if it's just a collar it looks quite uncomfortable. Trey stopped laughing "Okay it wasn't really funny, my bad. I'm just a little bit stressed right now, sorry..." He sighed rubbing the back of his neck before walking away and telling you to go back to sleep.

After finally getting back into your room you threw yourself into your bed and started thinking about all those weird events that occurred. "Is there something wrong with Riddle?" You thought out loud. "Nah of course not! He's just a dorm leader with some anger issues! Yeah that must be it!" You convinced yourself before finally falling asleep for the second time tonight. Hopefully you won't be disturbed again in your sleep.

-: ✧ :-゜・.🌸

A/n : henlo people!! I hope you're liking the story so far! Riddle might a bit ooc but I'm trying my best so it doesn't seem too weird-
Anyways I'm really happy that I started to write again even if I don't have as much support then what I used to. It's still nice to write and try to improve my skills!

𝓛𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓹 𝓮𝓽 𝓵'𝓪𝓰𝓷𝓮𝓪𝓾  || Yandere Riddle x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now