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Remember last chapter when I said that hopefully you wouldn't be disturbed in your sleep? Well you were disturbed again. Well, not exactly disturbed actually, you just had the weirdest dream of your life.

In that dream, you were alone with Riddle having a tea party, or a tea date, call it however you want, in the middle of the labyrinth of dorm. You didn't remember what you two were talking about but you knew for sure that Riddle was laughing and looking fondly at you, caressing your hand affectionately. After a while, you heard your mother's voice begging you to stay away from Riddle telling you that the reason of the strongest is always the best and that he'll end you just like how the wolf ended the poor little lamb. When you looked at your surroundings once again, you were still in the labyrinth but it looked more devastated andchaotic and  when you looked at Riddle again, he looked almost like a different person and his voice was distorted, it didn't even sounded like him anymore at this point. He looked rather furious at you, asking you why were you trying to leave him again. Have you done something to him? What did he meant by "again"? When you looked around you could see students from heartslabyul laying dead on the ground. When you wanted to try and confront Riddle, or at least what you think was Riddle, you noticed that he was gone. You looked around, unable to find him anywhere. You even search around in the labyrinth only finding more students on the ground. While searching you ended up in a dead end and when you turned around to leave there wasn't any exit. That's you heard him from behind you "Don't leave me here [Y/N]..." He whispered. And that's when you woke up with goosebumps and cold sweat.

"Woah, what the actual fuck was that..?" You murmured to yourself panting. You took time to take a breath and finally calming down. 'This was just a dream... Well more like a nightmare but none of this was real' you thought, remembering how silly it was for being scared of a simple nightmare. You even chuckled at the thought, it was just a dream no such thing could happen, right?

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After getting ready went to eat breakfast, this time you didn't sit in front of Riddle luckily. You were already in his good grace, now all you need is to behave when he's around you so you don't have any trouble.

You thought that the breakfast was going smoothly but it only lasted 10 minutes as three students woke up late and got collared which led to Riddle screaming. 'What a wonderful start for the day, screams during breakfast, lovely.' You sarcastically thought. And for whatever reason it was, he collared four other students for apparently "not behaving properly" during breakfast, which you thought was weird because if anything, you were behaving the same way as them and he didn't say anything to you.

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You were about to leave the dorm to go early in class when Riddle suddenly blocked your way. "Where exactly do you think you're going?" He asked you, crossing his arms, a glare starting to form onto his face. "Did I do something wrong?" You retorted looking at him clueless. "Why didn't you sit in front of me during breakfast?" He said, his face starting to get a little red. "Because I could? Is there a problem with that?" You answered bluntly, looking at him like he was dumb which seemed to anger him even more. "You're my friend so why didn't you sit in front of me?" He rephrased, to which you made an "O" Sound, understanding where he was getting at. "Is that why you were so angry during breakfast? You know it's just a seat. You aren't going to die just because we weren't sitting in front of each other plus we just m-" And just like that Riddle collared you. "Rule 768 : A friend of the queen shall never abandon her." He told you before walking away angrily. "We barely know each other and he's making a huge deal out of it..." You sighed, deciding to walk to class instead of bothering yourself with that.

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Morning classes were boring, especially history which almost, keyword almost, made you fall asleep. After class you went to the cafeteria, wondering where were you going to seat until you heard Trey call out for you "Hey [Y/N]! Come sit with us!" To which you obliged because you didn't want to eat alone like yesterday and put attention on you again.

"Hey you're that guy that barged into the kitchen after Riddle collared me last night!!" A guy with strawberry blonde hair exclaimed pointing at you. "Oh so you're the one who made the dorm leader angry. And who may you be?" You asked looking at him almost uninterested. "I'm Ace Trappola!" He stated proudly to which you answered with a simple okay and pointed at another first year who happened to also be in heartslabyul. He pointed at himself with as if asking if you wanted him to introduce himself to which you nodded. "Me? I'm Deuce Spade!" He said with a smile. You nodded and turned to look at the magicless student. "And I suppose you're Yuu correct?" To which he nodded with a smile and took the cat like monster in his hands. "And this is Grim!" The monster pestered Yuu saying that he could present himself.

After the presentations, they all went back to their conversation to which you decided to tune out because you were super tired after being woken up during your sleep last night.

You didn't realized that you fell asleep until you heard Riddle scream at Ace for insulting him or something along those lines since you weren't fully awake at that moment. He then turned to you and glared at you. "And I guess you don't intend to reflect upon your crimes either [Y/N]?" He asked with a glare. "... What?" You mumbled still out of it. "Do you want this collar removed or not?" He reformulated his question. "Huh... Yes, of course I want to remove it." You answered looking at him with a look that said "isn't it evident". He hummed "If you want to remove it then come with me, I need help with something anyway." He told you before walking away. You got up and followed him since that thing around your neck was almost strangling you with how tight it was. Removing it might relieve you a little. "Hey that's not fair, come back!! Me too I want my collar removed!!!" Ace shouted, but his pleas were ignored.

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A/N : I rewrote the story a bit because I wasn't really satisfied with the start. I hope y'all enjoy my story and I know it's annoying when author ask that but please vote and comment it really motivates me a lot...

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