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"Melanie- what are you talking about?" My throat tightens watching the love of my life smile, lovestruck. Her eyes have never sparkled this brightly for me.

"I love you- just not... you're not the love of my life," she tries to explain, waving her hand out towards the street, a red minivan parked in front of our house late at night. This is how she got home tonight... Why are they still hanging around?

"Honey, what are you saying?" I laugh feeling my gut sink as she smiles again reaching for my hand to comfort me. My laugh cracking, exposing how nervous she's making me.

"We're not perfect together, there's better people for us- out there somewhere in the world. The right person," she starts and I jerk away feeling as though she's assaulted me physically.

"Honey, you are my person, there's no one else for me," I tried to convince her. Does she think I'm cheating? Surely not, she knows I'd never do that to her.

"I'm not your person, there's someone out there for you, so much better made for you. Do you think we're perfect together?" She asks with a sad smile.

"Of course! Why do you think I proposed to you!" I laugh, waving my hand towards her freezing at her empty finger. "Your ring- where... did you take it off?" Waves of pain stab into my heart shattering it as I stare at her, seeing pity in her eyes. She pities me.

"I'm saving us both from making a mistake, you don't love me, truly love me," she shakes her head, her words a searing iron against my heart I've bared to her. She's crushing it without a care.

"I know I love, truly love you, Melanie, why do you think that I don't? What have I done to show you that I don't love you?" I choke out hitting my chest. "It hurts for you to say I don't when I've given up everything for you and our daughter," I scoff, shaking my head in disbelief. This has to be some twisted test. I'd prefer it to anything else.

"Nothing- but I know fate and fate has brought my love back to me; she will do the same to you..." she trails off watching me with guarded eyes.

"You're cheating on me?" My worst nightmare comes true at her silence, she has the audacity to blush in her shame, shaking her head.

"We aren't meant for eachother, we're nothing alike-"

"Nothing alike?" I laugh, the sound broken and harsh to my own ears. "Everything we have in common means nothing to you? The decade we've been together means nothing? I left my wife for you. Does that all mean nothing to you?" She flushes, raising her hands with a frown.

"You chose to leave your wife, just like your family chose to go no contact; they don't understand love and it's power-"

"Your love and fate mean more to you than me? Then our child," she stops and stares at me, ears turning pink as her eyes flash with something hidden.

"I want Ashley to come with me, she's like me- not like you."

"Absolutely not! You aren't taking my daughter to meet some prick you think is the love of your life. She needs her Dad," I scoff, shaking my head pacing away from her staring out the window. "This is the asshole you're breaking our family up for?" I want to kill the man.

"She needs to be with people like her, she needs me more than she needs you," Melanie tries to argue, making me snort.

"You're a heartless monster thinking you can steal my daughter from me when you've stepped out on us," I growl, staring at her, stalking her. She scoffs, arms crossed suddenly defensive.

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