Chapter 5

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As we wait for Dad to show up I managed to knock out my English work and dig into my history essay. At least I have a week to work on this. "Mr. Jones, Ashley's father is here," the receptionist pages him from the phone. Maybe this won't be as bad as I think it will be. Coach Jones smiles a cynical smile that makes me rethink my prior thought immediately.

"Thank you Paula, send him in," Coach Jones returns the page back as he smiles at me and opens the door for my dad.

"Mr. Green, I'm Coach Jones, I've noticed your daughter is more... capable of this sport, more so than others," Coach Jones introduces himself, shaking Dad's hand with a simple smile. Dad looks at me with an arched brow, confused with the meeting before the door is closed behind us.

"Is he...?" He trails off watching Coach Jones who flashes him a sharp smile.

"He's a wolf," I confirm, growing more uneasy with each passing minute. This is a first for me and none of this is adding up to anything good for me. I'm hating where this is going. Dad looks at him with interest as Coach Jones motions towards the open seat.

"I'm interested in training your daughter privately, taking her training to a new level," Coach Jones gives a wolf smile, sharp fangs on display.

"Take her training to the next level?" Dad sits down with a glance at me before going back to Coach Jones. "Go on," Dad motions for him to continue. I don't like this.

"I know what she is, I know the limits she has, as a wolf. I can push her limits farther than any of her prior coaches. With my help? She can become an olympic gold medalist," he grins, leaning back in his chair. "I know how long she needs out, how hard to push, how quick she can come back from any injury." Woah, wait a minute, I think that's not-

"Interesting, it's always been difficult when she injures herself we have to move to get her back to practice. What did you have in mind for her progression in training?" Dad leans forward, interest glittering his eyes as he thinks of all of the possibilities. No, this isn't going to end well.

"I'd like to see her work through this practice; if I like what I see we can talk about a contract," Coach Jones announces and Dad frowns at his words slowly nodding.

"I want to watch the practice, I'd like to hear your live feedback. I have to make sure you're a good coach for her. I want my daughter to make it to the olympics, she can't do that with a bad coach, you understand right?" Dad responds with an easy smile. Coach Jones arches a brow, eyes narrowing at the challenge. Ok, I hate wherever this will take me.

"Of course," Coach Jones breathes before he looks at me with a tight smile. "Why don't you use the bathroom off of my office and change into your uniform?" I'm going to hate life. I nod and grab my bag feeling like I'm about to walk through fire and torment. Leaving his office I find the bathroom and glance over the gym one more time getting a few interested glances and polite nods if not smiles. Maybe the girls will be nice to me.

I lock the door behind me and change out of my school uniform glad to have the heels off. My legs are going to be so tight today. My blue tie-dye leotard feels suffocating after two weeks off from wearing it. I doubt I've gained weight, but maybe. Gray spandex shorts complete my practice uniform. Please hate Coach Jones Dad, please hate him. This is the first time that I've had a wolf for a coach, and I have no idea what this will lead to.

Emerging from the bathroom I'm met by Dad and Coach Jones deep in conversation outside of his office. "Start with your stretches and five minutes of jump rope," Coach Jones glances at me, nodding with his head at the jump rope. Stealing a sip of my water I warm up by actively stretching my body properly. I need my brace today. The thought strikes me as tightness begins to twist in my muscles as if screaming at me to slow down.

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