Chapter 8

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Please, the bell rings! I pray for the typically dreadful bell to ring and release me from this awkward conversation as I shrug, closing my laptop to pack up from lunch. I can't escape this soon enough. Realistically, I don't know what, if anything, there could be for me after this endeavor. Could there be anything besides gymnastics for me? "I'm good at gymnastics- besides I have my entire life ahead of me, no need to rush anything," I excuse watching her roll her eyes at me, with a teasing lilt of a smile.

"You can't run from life- face it! Go break one of your Dad's rules- push the limits," she chuckles taunting me with a wide lopsided grin. I fight to keep from recoiling at the thought of breaking one of Dad's rules. I can only imagine the horror show that would be made of that. I'd be escorted to and from school, monitored so heavily I wouldn't even be made a laughing stock by the wolves. I have to admit, that makes breaking a rule sound a little tempting.

Until he'd whip my rear so bad it'd blister. That's enough to send a cold bucket of ice through my system as I laugh, covering the fear in my voice. "You're crazy, he'd have me on such a lockdown I wouldn't be able to breathe without permission," I smile, only slightly joking with her.

"Yeah right, he loves you, has he started dating again? I think he should. It's been long enough since everything happened. Don't you think? Hey- maybe if he starts dating he'll let up on you," she sings happily, I stuff my trash in my bag and smile at her. Yeah, I don't think that's ever going to happen again. Dad has never gotten over Mom, nor do I think he ever will. He's never spoken about what happened that night or why she left. Just that she was gone and wanted nothing to do with me ever again.

"He'll date when he's ready, I'm gonna head to the bathroom before class starts." I stand up tossing my bag over my shoulder ready to make my escape. I have to make sure I'm not late to class again. I'm lucky that Mr. Williams isn't as strict as other teachers I've had, he's much nicer than some of my last teachers. One of the few people nice to me in this school. The humans have decided that since the wolves have taken a dislike to me, they are just going to avoid me as well.

"I can go with you-"

"No, you don't have to, I think your boyfriend wants some time with you before class, he's been staring at us the entire time," I tease her, knowing it's a low way of distraction. But I don't want to make him even more mad than he already is with me. Our last conversation was enough warning and he didn't even threaten me- not verbally anyway. Nothing worse than I've already heard that is. She looks over her shoulder flushing at his steady gaze, she giggles as he winks at her.

His attention focused solely on her, burning with pleasure at her shared gaze. "Yeah... I'll go see him, I haven't gotten my lunch kisses," she giggles blushing madly as she gathers her things already in motion to head towards her mate. They are rather cute together. It makes me want to smile as I leave the lunchroom. Bright side, he's not going to be glaring holes through me.

He's refrained from doing anything worse than harsh glares, the rest of the wolves have been more aggressive than he has. It's not like I have much longer with them, in a few months I'll graduate and be left to be a full-time gymnast. The thought doesn't spark as much joy as I want it to, lately, it fills me with dread, I hate Coach Jones with a burning passion. The more time I spend with him the more I despise practice.

"New girl," I heard someone call out. Nope, just ignore it, ignore whatever it could be. I speed walk around the corner and into the bathroom. Please just don't bother with me. I've made sure to not get in anyone's way. Sitting in the stall I hold my breath waiting for the door to open. Please don't be like other schools. It's pointless, by the time I finish my business the door opens before I can even leave the stall. And I've trapped myself, great. The poor choice reveals itself as I stare back at the she-wolf who leans against the door, her stare heavy and pointed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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