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     8:45 pm

Zuri and the gang were hanging at breakfast. "Dang notti how u get bit by a dog." Ddot said. "Nigga js came charging at me and shi felt like it was going in slow motion." Notti responded. "Btw.. why dd wasnt here?" He adds. "He didnt want to be seen in a wheelchair , poor child." Nilah said. We all chuckle. "He would be fine bru." Zuri says.

Her and notti look at each other and look away. Zuri kept getting flash backs about what had happened that morning. She wished she couldve had a longer time to do so. "Yall looking mad weird ." Ddot says tapping on Zuri and notti.

"Oh sorry guys." Zuri and Notti said at the same time. Nilah laughs. "Whats been up with yall." She asked. Zuri's mouth opens a lil before speaking. "Oh nothing?" Zuri acts clueless. "Mhmm, ima ask again when u get home. "Ask yo mama if I can sleep over." Zuri says.


  Zuri was taking out her lunch and bag as she slams it shut, ready to get out of that school. She walks out the school door, shoving through all the people around her. She walks on the side walk, her house was about 8 mins away from the school. She heard footsteps getting louder towards her as she turns around to see notti's face. More butterflies from the morning. She looks back and puts her head down. "You want me to leave?" He asked. "No, I just keep thinking about my brother. He dont know how to keep his mouth shut." Zuri tells him.

Notti puts his arm around her. "Its okay, just explain that u rlly like me. They should understand and if they dont.. then tell them like u mean it, cs u do." He says. Zuri smiles. They continue to walk. "Want to go get some seafood?" Notti asked handing Zuri his wallet. Zuri's eyes widened. "Notti, I cant let u pay for me! I have money on my cashapp its fine." Zuri said. "Zuri.. Its all good." He said. "Remember when u didnt want to give me ur money at the snowcone stand ." She asked rolling her eyes and they walk across the street. "mmtch, im sorry ma .. I was rlly actin like a weirdo back then n I apologize ." He said takin his arm off of her.

"Notti I was js joking, js fck the past . I'm js glad we can talk better now." She says grabbing his arm and putting it back on her.  She realized he had called her ma and she got so many butterflies in her stomach she felt sick. "I forgot I had cheer practice.." She said stopping.. "Well if we have time to walk u there.. I can and I can pick u up too." He says stopping also. "K at 6:30." Zuri tells him. "Igh, we not too far." He says.

Zuri felt unreal. She never imagined Notti talking to her since its been a while that she knew him as he been so nice to her now. She was happy. She actually liked notti better than any of the exes she had and that made her so confident.


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Notti was happy with the girl. That kiss they had earlier made him feel rlly good but half of it didnt feel right. When Meir walked in the room that didnt feel right. Notti was lowkey embarrassed. I know Meir didnt like him at all either way because he called Zuri a bitch but at least he apologized. "Notti r u okay." Zuri says stopping again. They were standing in front of the restaurant. "mm.. not rlly." He says lookin down at her . "Wanna talk abt it?" She asked sitting down on the bench as he did the same. "I dont think yo brotha like me frl and ion want any beef with him frl.." Notti says. "Notti he will be fine. He isnt my parent , what could he do. He so stupid overprotective over me and Its so annoying. I'm perfectly fine bro." Zuri says shaking her head.

"But ur not. Im a gang member Zuri. You not safe around me and thats one reason I didnt want to become close with u because I get attached and women do to." Notti says looking down. "i see why they get attached." Zuri says looking at him. He chuckles. "But frl Zuri .. I dont wanna mess your life up like mine is. I frl almost lost my brother and I alr lost my uncle . I dont wanna lose u either." He says . "Notti. I would try my best stay out of the gang stuff but I dont want to just get over u because of it. Cant u js get out of it?" She asked. "Get out of what?" "The gang." "Hell nah Zuri. Once you in there.. its hard to get out. And I couldnt even if i wanted. This dumb ass beef was started and J star cant let me get out. I wish I could be a normal kid." He said. "Im so sorry u going thru this and I rlly wanna be there for u . You can rlly talk to me if u need it. I dont like seeing ppl down." Zuri says . "Igh enough of this shit. Lets go." He says grabbing her.

- Zuri pulls out a credit card before grabbing the food. She ordered a big boil for her and Notti only . They just decided to go to his house to talk more stuff out.

- They make it to Notti's house as they go up to his room after saying hi to dd as he is playing video games. Zuri heard a boy in his room.. but she didnt know who it was. She knew it wasnt dd. "Is that one of ur fam members?" Zuri asked, looking at the door it was coming from. "oh hy thats Jay. Jayklickin is what he known fa but his name Justin thats my blud brotha." He said and opens his room door. His room was pretty cluttered but not bad looking. His room was dark blue with a tv on the wall. He had posters of spiderman. "why spiderman." Zuri says giggling.

"Aye ntm thats my comfort character frl." Notti says slouching on his bed. "well i luv me some hello kitty.. or maybe monster high. One of them will always be my comfort characters." Zuri says still standing. "Cmon. Sit next to me." He says patting the spot next to him. Zuri sits down and gets on her phone. "yu at my house. U gon talk to me." Notti says sliding the phone out her hand. That gave her chills. Notti looks at the girl as they make a lil moment of eye contact . "Zuri i ain mean to treat u like that in the beginning but i will frl make it up to u." Notti said. He hated apologizing. He felt she needed it tho cs he rlly was around her enough to realize she was nice.

"You already told me. You js irritated me . I never took it a certain way." Zuri says. "Well i js had to let u know." He says putting his head back up. "I hope we never fall apart." Zuri says. Notti smiles. He never had a girl that showed that they cared. They would actually play in his face while he would be madly in love with him. Thats the real reason he didnt want to fall in love with Zuri. He is too embarrassed of feeling "stupid" bc he felt like he rlly was . "aw i luv ur smile." she says looking at him while he is still smiling.

He had a cute gummy smile that makes her blush and sink inside. "Smile for me." He said as she did so. Her braces showed. "ur so gorgeous mh.." He says smiling mad hard. They were both admiring how good they look as they felt themselves getting closer to each other. Their lips fall onto each others as Notti instantly sunk into her. She grabs his face as they fall over, making notti go on top of her. Zuri didnt care, she accepted that he was only hers. Notti took off his shirt as they continued kissing.

- Zuri and Notti had a good time with each other, well yk.. Notti felt some type of way he was so turned on that Zuri could see his full print in his grey sweats. Zuri started to catch his breath and look back up. "u a good kisser boy." Zuri says. "u too mh." He says as he is breathing heavily also. "Oh shit." Zuri says as she got a notification from Nilah that said "where are u! Ur a hour late to practice." Zuri panicked and looked at the time as it read 7:30 pm. "im sorry." He said , he knew it was his fault, he kissed her first. He always fucks shit up. "Im fine , js can u take me to practice." She pleaded. "Yea idm." He says grabbing his shirt and puts it on. "Oh shit im finna get kicked off."

A/N : Enjoy this chap! 🎀

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