🌸 I.

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I don't know why or how but I fell in love with an idiot, I can't comprehend on how someone is so naive about quite literally everything.
Since childhood that's all I was able to think about.

And well of course... I haven't been noticed yet.. you'd think it'd be easy but when the opportunity comes up but it just always disappears, i'm hopeless. This very person is no other than Till, he's quite the troublemaker and makes a commotion most of the time but I always found it amusing, finding myself to want to drown into him.

So why him? I could easily find someone who would acknowledge me but no...Till just stuck out from everyone.. what I've known my entire life was to follow the rules but he CHANGED that — his rebellious nature was what helped me realize so much more in my horizons.

Whatever, I love him... despite his yearn for another, I will stick by his side until graduation , that is when i'll finally leave him be.

. . . . . .

spring //

The sky was still quite dark, the sun barely peeking from its rise of a new day. I stood my ground as I read a dictionary, going over the new vocabulary. . . the train should be coming pretty soon.

I never came early before, I always just tend to come around the average time like most people but this is a huge change in life, high school.

And well, if there's change.. I plan on even getting closer with Till.

Speak of the devil —

Till came around the corner of the station and was headed my way, wearing a hooded black jacket with a navy blue shirt and some ripped jeans. Completely unaware of my presence, he casually hummed to himself some lyrics from a song as his red phones laid upon his shoulders.

I'll never get tired of him.. I tried getting his attention by giving his shoulder a small nudge, He glanced at me as he slid his headphones down a bit —


"'Nothing, How was summer break?"

"It was ok."

"Haha, did the same thing as usual?—"

My conversation was terribly interrupted by a loud shout coming our way, we both looked towards the direction — It was a pink-haired girl with glasses that reflected the sky, an outfit that compliments her hair and a charm bracelet alongside it.... Mizi. Suddenly my stomach felt like dropping and the urge to vomit was strong. Oh, and there was another girl beside her — Sua.

The two caught up to us and Mizi gleefully smiled bright, she seemed everywhere of the place and spoke all at once.

"Well anyways! How was your break Ivan and Till?"

"—I-it was pretty cool! I... I recently got way better at the guitar and saw some concerts!"

I just stood there with a blank face, he always 'malfunctions' when she's around... it's unfair.

Eventually after Till went on about his break to Mizi, she turned to me and awaited for my answer — I playfully pulled it off.

"It was alright, just did some summer jobs."

"Being productive I see I see, well personally for me I went to the amusement park with Sua!"

"That must've been nice."

Mizi nodded happily as she rambled on about her break alongside with Till, I just stared at the two... they could be a great couple.

As I moped about their interaction, Sua tapped on my shoulder.

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