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Till POV //

Ivan ran off before I could say something, then again I was just going to sputter an insult again... I noticed most of the people went to the performance area.

"Watch me"

That word repeatedly played in my head, what did he mean by that? I shrugged off everything he says, like usual. I went off purchasing some more takoyaki and little trinkets, the lines decreased after all.

Pink... Mizi would probably like this keychain, it's an adorable bunny. I smiled to myself as I could only imagine her responses, her tone of voice, everything... Just then I could see Mizi among the crowd heading to the performance, alongside Sua.

I quickly purchased the keychain and hurried to her, she made eye contact with me and pulled me into the small gap in the crazy crowd..

"I was wondering where you were!!

"You.. were worried about me?"

I felt myself turn red by this, she was worried about me, wondering where I was.

"Cmon, we can't miss out on Ivan's performance."

"Sorrryyy Sua! Let's hurry up."

I was unsure why Sua was the one rushing us, did she have some thing for Ivan? I wouldn't be surprised, they hung out together frequently. Maybe this was my chance to be alone with Mizi and tell her my feelings.. I've been sort of planning it out anyway.

So I did the unimaginable and took Mizi's hand in mine, and ran the opposite direction — she let out a huge gasp but she wasn't the only one, but I sort of started regretting it.

I let go of her hand and started heading back originally where we had to go, I muttered an apology to Mizi as she just laughed awkwardly — telling me it was fine.

Sua looked at us worried and just pouted when we all reunited again, she sighed heavily as we made our way through the crowd — we were able to see Ivan performing. I stared at Mizi when she was all in awe, commenting about his performance.

A smiled formed on my face as I just admired her, the violin playing with such intensity of a note — I sort of ignored it though — zoning out at the most beautiful girl yet... I didn't realize I was staring quite an awful lot until the violin died down, my eyes at Ivan through the last few notes of the piano playing silently as his high note of a violin died down.

Everyone started applauding and cheering, especially Mizi. I did my fair share of applause too, Ivan worked hard after all — though I wasn't really paying attention. I felt bad on my part for not listening when Ivan told me to watch him play, I should apologize when I see him...

I parted with Mizi and Sua, they wanted to relax and enjoy the other performances for the remainder of the time. I went off to do some last-minute practicing with my guitar, I went to the music club stand (or well booth) and took out the instrument from the case.

Suddenly I heard that familiar eccentric yell from anywhere —


Hyuna came running over to me and well she wasn't alone, Luka was with her and some other guy who looked like Hyuna herself.
She grinned once she saw me, practically pulling my cheeks — it's become a habit of her to do that when she sees me, I hate it so much.

"Hey cmon now, stop it!"

"eughh,fineeee..... oh wait! let me introduce you to my brother, this is Hyun Woo! He's a runt ain't he?"

Hyun Woo just deadpanned at her, He sighed dramatically and said it was nice to meet me and that he's heard a lot about me — It made me happy, we hit it off quite well.

After an interaction, I discussed of the matters about my upcoming performance that should be happening soon.

"If you're that worried, I don't mind taking over for you."

"Eh? That's probably the most nicest thing you've said to me the past 3 months... but no!"

"Geez Luka, let our new member shine! you practically awed the whole audience with your performance last year.!"

"Oh? haha, that's right — I forgot."

That liar... of course he remembers! I just sighed heavily with annoyance and strummed within the few chords, regaining my confidence — as long as I know how to play it, i'll be fine.

"Oh yeah wait! You made the song yourself right?"

"I did, it took me weeks of composing but i'm glad I made it."

"I bet you are, can't wait to see you blow the audience away!! right, Luka?"

Luka was just talking with Hyun Woo , he looked at Hyuna then me —

"Yeah sure."

Ugh the least he can do is sound nice about it!!
The speakers suddenly went off and called me up, I high-fived Hyuna and quickly went to the stage carrying my guitar. I mean I REALLY had to do well in this performance because of Mizi..

The song I made is specifically made for her.. and I want her to hear it. I smiled brightly as I made my way onto the stage — of course my guitar can't be the only one waiting for me — Dewey and Issac were already on the stage setting up the drums and everything else for my performance.

I did my own thing and plugged the cord for my guitar, now I just waited for the curtains to rise up for my entrance!

The curtains rose up and as it did, I strummed with my guitar pick on dramatic effect... it left an 'echo' then Issac started to do his thing with the drums, I sang my heart out with the lyrics in passion, I was practically excited to see Mizi's reaction.

Mizi just beamed happily as she danced along to my song, I was really happy — maybe she would catch on my huge hint. Though I noticed Sua whispered something into her ear and the two left together with their hands holding, I wanted to scream for Mizi to stay but that would obviously be impossible in my current state.

I finished my song, catching my breath as I slowly fell onto my knees — despite the very energetic song , I was content with myself. The curtains closed and I left the stage alongside Dewey and Issac.

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