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Kamera and I walked through the halls with backpacks slung over our shoulders; I was walking her to second period since she walked me to first period. We had this little system going on for a while, ever since we became close.

"K, you don't get it," I exclaimed, a wide smile on my face. "I get to do a project with him." Kamera stares at me with a look of disapproval. "And you say you don't got a crush on dude? I don't buy it."

"Mera, you gotta hear me out," I whined, not paying attention to anything else except for her. I was counting on my fingers to emphasize all of the reasons why Miles was a great person, only to bump right into him while walking. I paused for a second and looked up at him.
"My bad," I said, giving him a sheepish smile.

"Nah, don't worry 'bout it," Miles replied, shaking his head. "Both of us weren't paying any type of attention to where we were going."
I could feel Kamera's glare burning into the back of my head as I was talking to him. I knew it was all out of love, though.

"See you, Iris," he said, patting my shoulder gently. "And watch where you're going next time!" This time he spoke, his voice was the most teasing it had ever been.
"Bye, Miles," I mumbled as I watched him walk away. Kamera suddenly grabbed me by my backpack and dragged me with her to her class. I didn't even try to wiggle out of the grip she had on me. She was strong as hell. Once we got to her class, she tossed me to the nearest wall - crossing her arms and glaring at me.

"Thanks for the nice walk to my class, Iris," Kamera said sarcastically. "I really enjoyed it." I walked towards her trying to get her to stay as she walked into her classroom. "Kam-" I started, before getting cut off by her.

"Five stars," she interrupted before disappearing into the room; leaving me alone in the hallway.

I felt horrible. Every day since the beginning of the school year, we would walk each other to class. We would have conversations about miscellaneous things, hopping from one topic to another. She hated when I only talked about boys sometimes. My mind was filled to the brim with all of these guilty thoughts as I walked to my class, pushing past other students in the halls.

But I couldn't get him out of my head. It was like trying to squeeze toothpaste out the bottle while the seal is still on. I loved meeting new people, even if I seemed distant or unapproachable - I was always looking for new friends.

✁ ✃ ✄

After school, Miles and I planned on FaceTiming each other to work on our project. It was just a simple slideshow presentation, so it wasn't out of the ordinary. I got home a few minutes after school ended and did my normal routine of taking off my shoes at the door, dropping my backpack in my room, and hanging my coat up inside my closet.

I was about to sit on my bed and start working on the slides - until my mom came into my room and started telling me off. "Ah, before you do anything, go do those dishes in the sink," She stated, pointing towards the kitchen.
I knew I was in no position to argue, so I just followed her directions and to go the kitchen.

The second I walked into the kitchen, my eyes widened. My little sister, Mya, my older brother, Amari, and his girlfriend were all sitting at the island in the kitchen. I didn't even notice that they were here when I walked in. They were eating lunch and having a conversation, all three of them. "Iris!" Mya exclaimed, jumping off the stool and walking toward me for a hug. I held my arms out as she wrapped hers around my torso in a tight hug.

"Hey 'Ris," Amari waved, motioning for me to come and sit down with them. A look of confusion washed over my face. "When did you get back?" I asked in a dull tone. My brother was two years older than me and in his first year of college. He was going to some college either out of state or far away from home; and it was nowhere near any type of break, at least for him. "Earlier," he replied nonchalantly. "How you been?" I nodded my head slowly and let go of Mya as I walked towards the sink.

"You're not gonna say hi to Nia?" Amari spoke once again, causing me to turn around and wave to her. Nia was his girlfriend, who he met in college. I only knew her because of how often he would talk about her whenever he would call us. I began to wash the dishes, hearing Mya talk loudly about all the drama that was happening at her school. She was in eighth grade, what could they be arguing for?

After a little while, I finished the dishes and began walking back to my room. I needed to finish this project. When I entered my room, my phone was already vibrating on my nightstand. I picked it up and held it in front of my face as I answered the phone. "Hey," I said, my voice not as dull anymore. I sat down on my bed and opened up my laptop. "Sorry, my mom asked me to do the dishes and my brother and his girlfriend came back and-"

"Chill," Miles interrupted. I saw a smirk on his face as he placed his phone down by his monitor. "You're good, relax. You have siblings?"

I nodded and put on my glasses that had been placed on my nightstand. "Yeah, my brother's 18, and my sister's 14," I replied, logging into my school account on my laptop.

"All two years apart, huh?" he spoke again. He sounded different than when he was at school - more alive. I finally was able to hear his slight Spanish accent. "I don't have any siblings. I've always wanted a brother though." I chuckled with him before speaking again, "I could see that. Let's get started, yeah?" He nodded his head and soon enough, I saw his profile picture appear near the control bar in the document.

✁ ✃ ✄

"This is looking good as hell," Miles spoke, staring at his monitor. "You gonna become a graphic designer?" I watched him through my phone as I lay on my bed, letting out a yawn.
"Nah, I actually wanna be a lawyer," I replied, closing my laptop.

"Word? That's cool as hell," his eyebrows raised as he seemed to be playing some type of video game. "You should be getting ready to sleep for that job of yours, Ice." his tone dripped with sarcasm as I took notice of the cocky smirk he had plastered on his face.

"Fuck up," I muttered, rolling my eyes. He'd been calling me that as a 'nickname' the entire time we had been on the phone. "Goodnight, Miles." He raised his hand up to his phone and seemed to make eye contact with me before he hung up. "Night, Iris," he repeated, a tiny grin on his face.


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