12. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪

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Zulaid was sitting in the lounge with extreme anger on his face. His hands were fisted. It wasn't easy to control his aggression. He would go mad when someone hurt his family. He was staring at the couple sitting across him.

"Saman! I think there is a misunderstanding" Aliya, Azwa's mother tried her best to act innocent.

"There is no misunderstanding Aliya! We believe in our daughter! If she is saying you are involved in this then I don't have any doubt in it" Saman controlled herself from lashing out at them.

"Listen Saman! She is just a kid. She can't understand things. You are mature. You can understand men make such mistakes in their youth. Ramish has moved on from that girl" She tried once again to convince them.

"That's enough Aliya bhabi! You both lied to us and now accept it shamelessly on our faces" Ayub asked her distastefully.

"Ayub! We didn't have any bad intentions. Ramish is also happy with this alliance. He himself was interested in this proposal. I don't know why Inara is misunderstanding the situation" Ramish's father took part in the conversation.

"How could she misunderstand him after watching him with that girl with her own eyes. Don't take my daughter's name if your son is at fault. I can't believe you did this to us. We trusted you and you played with the life of our daughter" Ayub kept saying angrily.


"Stop it! If your son is interstated somewhere else. Why are you destroying someone else's daughter. Wahin shadi karo uski jahan moon mar raha hy. How dare you lie to us" Ayub wasn't ready to leave them.

(You should marry him to the same woman he has relations with)

Ibrahim was silently observing them. He still couldn't believe he chose a wile man for her daughter. How did he mistook him as a nice person?

Farida was silently crying. Ayub and Saman being the eldest were dealing with the couple.

"Bhai Sahab! Please don't get angry. Our children are going to get married. This will only complicate the situation. Kindly forgive Ramish! We will make him understand. He won't repeat his mistake. He would apologize to you!" Aliya tried to calm them.

"My daughter won't marry your son bhabhi sahiba! My daughter isn't worthless to be tied to such a man" Ibrahim spoke for the first time.

"Of course! We won't marry her to your son now" Ayub second his brother.

"Listen bhai sahab! Cards are distributed. Hall has been booked. Everything has been arranged. You just can't back off now. We are really sorry for what happened. We are assuring you. Your daughter won't have any issues after marrying my son. I am giving you a guarantee. Ramish would be fair to her. She would be happy. Don't make such a hasty decision!" Aliya quickly apologized.

"I am sorry! I just thought it was good for my son. I never had bad intentions. That girl he wanted to marry wasn't of good character. We couldn't accept her" She admitted shamelessly.

Saman held her face in her hands. What would they do now? A few days were left in wedding and they were struck in a complicated situation.

"Bhai! We have a double wedding on our way. If you are thinking that you would back off from one so it's not possible. We also won't marry our daughter to your son!!" Ramish's father announced.

"Uncle! Why do you still think I will still marry your daughter?" Zulaid broke his silence and spoke harshly to them. No one was expecting him to say that.

He got engaged to Azwa on his own will. Nobody thought he would leave her. Neither did they want him to make such a decision.

"Zulaid we can talk about it" Ayub tried to stop him.

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