Chapter 10 - Happy ever After

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Enzo's POV

A couple of months ago, our post got bombed. Cutting us completely off from our loved ones. From Alyssa. That's when I decided. If she's willing to wait for me, then I want her forever. I will propose. Alex thought it was crazy but to me, it made sense. She had 1 year and 8 months to move on, but she decided to wait for me instead. And that is hard to find. Alex kept talking about Lizzy, and I wasted no time. Before the plane left, I brought everything. The ring was already inherited from my grandma. The rest was all brought and set up by me and the other. I got down on one knee and waited. Waited for her. And when I finally saw her, the tears in her eyes gave me guilt. Did I scare her?

She ran towards me and jumped in my arms, and I held her tightly. I knew I'm never letting her go again. Ever. We shared a deep kiss that I forgot how good it feels. Then she said
"YES." The words I never thought I'd even want from a woman before her. But she was different. She made me want things that I've never even thought I'd ever accept. Like I wanted to marry her. I wanted to have kids with her. I wanted to quit the military for her and never leave again. I wanted to grow old with her. And that one word made it real. All I've been thinking about these past months became real. And I've never felt happier in my life. We shared a kiss and looked around as everyone was staring. I decided this isn't the right place right now.

"Let's get out of here." I whisper in her ears, and we hurry off into the base. We waste no time before I'm inside her. Thrusting roughly and groaning. Her moans fill the room, and my head drops on her shoulder. I've missed this so much. There was no rhythm, just sloppy and wet sex. No protection, no lube, and no thoughts. Just sex. With the love of my life. Her nails dig into my back as I pound her, and her legs start to give out. I can feel myself on the edge before I explode inside her. We both fall onto the benches by the bathroom, catching our breaths. I kiss her forehead as she scoots closer to me, and she lays her head on my chest. It was so peaceful.


"No, we are not heaving the wedding while I'm pregnant, I already told you that I don't want to look like a balloon on my wedding, thank you." I can hear her arguing with her mom on the phone. Ever since she has been pregnant. It's like she's completely lost her mind. She's always so angry. She walks into the rooms, looking at me in disbelief.
"Do you know what this crazy woman said to me? She said if we have the wedding now, I won't look like a balloon. And when I asked why we should have the wedding after the birth, she said because of weeping babies." I sort of agree with her mum, but she doesn't need to know that. I reassure her and rub her back before she kisses me. She made up this sex rule that we can't do it while she's pregnant, but she keeps braking it. Not that I mind.

"Why don't we give it some time and wait till the baby is a bit older and then get married?" I ask.
"You are so smart. You know that?" She gives me a kiss on the cheeks and hurries off. I guess happy endings do exist. And I was lucky to be one who gets it. Six months later, Stella arrives. She's completely healthy and she's so adorable. She's a good baby compared to others. Alyssa still complains to this day about how difficult it was to push her out, but she's happy now. We got married when Stella was 2, letting her be our flower girl. Then, right on our honeymoon, Alyssa got pregnant again. 9 months later, Jasmine was born, healthy like her sister. We moved away from our little village, and so did Lizzy and Alex, who had a son called Lucas.
Alex and I both left the military and lived our lives with our families.

Alyssa got a job at a bakery, and I worked at a security company as well as Alex. We lived a more than a comfortable life, which we were happy with. We could watch our kids grow up comfortably but not spoiled, and that was more than enough. I was actually happy. All thanks to Alyssa. And my kids. And Lizzy and Alex.

                             THE END

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