Chapter 9 - Lost Love

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Alyssa's POV


Enzo has sent me a letter every couple of days ever since he arrived. And I've read them. Over and over again. It gave me the comfort of knowing he is okay. And I've been writing back to him. Telling him how much I miss him. Sometimes he'd send me drawing too. Or a tiny souvenir that was just a scrap piece of metal on a necklace. I later realised it was his old tag. Containing his name, his age, his date of birth, his service. And ever since then, I've not stopped carrying it around with me. Lizzy and I met up a couple of times for coffee, and we would read his letters together. And write for him too. It turns out she has a crush on one of the soldiers. His name was Alex. She was head over heels, and we talked a lot about everyone.

But at the end of the day, when everyone went home, the streets were cold and dark, and I found myself alone. Thinking of him. My thought would always go back to Enzo. Like when I turn around in my bed and find the empty space where he used to lay. Or when I accidently make breakfast for two, and him a coffee. Or when I find his stuff laying around somewhere. Everything reminded me of him. I've gone crazy. I barely leave the house, and the only person who comes to visit is Lizzy. He's been gone for 6 months. I can not take it longer.

A couple of weeks ago, both Alex and Enzo stopped writing back.

I don't know what happened.

Is he... dead?

No. I'm sure he's fine

What if he's gotten sick?

Or injured really badly.

What if he lost all of his arms and can't, right?

Don't be stupid.

Weeks, months go by, and there is no sign of him. Of both of them. Lizzy is trying to look into it, but she's only shown the possible date where they come back. Which is in 8 months. That is crazy. What am I going to do?

I remember a couple of years ago, I was more worried by my stalker than anyone. Now I'm ready to go to war just to see him again. It's been 1 year and 5 months. I barely remember how he sounded. Or what his face looks like. If I didn't have the pictures he sent from ages ago. I'm sure i wouldn't recognise him anymore. I've learnt to accept that I need to move forward and get on with my life. I'll wait for him but not in my house, trapped and depressed. I tried to smile a little bit more, though Lizzy and others could tell it was fake. I tried to leave the house more. Get coffee with Lizzy. Go shopping with her. Get food with her. Go to the base with her to find out anything we could. Nothing.

One morning, as I'm trying to sleep since it's Sunday, I hear loud noises passing above my house. I look out the window to see a military plane fly past me, heading towards their base. I got up in my pyjamas, threw on my shoes, and ran. Ran like I've never run before. My feet barely touched the ground, and I was out of breath when I got there. Lizzy was waiting for me, and we headed back. I could tell she was nervous since she was shaking. But so was I. We can see the plane slowly open from a distance and people slowly walking out. Some walk, some are in wheelchairs and some with walking sticks. There was half the number of people than it was when they left. Me and Lizzy look at each other, worried. The general comes up to us and says we may take them home. Make sure they all have someone to go to. Lizzy goes behind her desk and makes calls urgently.

"Go find them. Go!" She tells me, and I slowly creep towards the lined up men. I started seeing other people running towards them, hugging them, dismissing them. I walk, I don't run because I'm scared of not finding him. I walk down the line of men waiting for their family as I look at all their names on their uniform. Nothing. I walk down the next row, looking for him. And I find Alex. I dismiss him, letting him hug me and tell him to go see Lizzy right now. They have both admitted to love each other over letters, but he better go se her. He hurries off before I could even ask about Enzo. The last row of men I walk down, I don't see him. I walk around again, looking for him, with tears running down my face. Alex and Lizzy have come out at this point, and Lizzy gives me a hug. Alex stays quiet.
"Have you looked in the plane?" He smiles a little and tries to hide it.

Hope rekindles in my eyes as I hurry towards the plane. The back was still open, and I could see soldiers turning around to look at me. Am I crazy? Going into the plane. And he's standing there. Well, kneeling. With a ring and flowers. What the fuck?

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