Chapter 1 - The run

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Alyssa's POV

I'm walking down the roads of town towards the more crowded area. These past couple of days, I've felt worried and paranoid since I've had this weird feeling. Out of nowhere, I'd get goosebumps, and I'd just get this very uncomfortable feeling that I've never felt before this. After 2 days, I've felt too scared to be alone in my house.

I've lived alone for a couple of months, and I've barely gotten used to it. Since the incident. I've been trying to get out of my house near crowded areas, so I'm not alone in case of an attack. I was just by the café near the mall and I was now walking towards my house. I lived about an hour away on the village side. Small house with only a couple of neighbours that live further away. But since I'd usually get those weird feelings at home, I've avoided it as much as I could. It felt safe walking around the area, knowing there were soldiers everywhere. But there was a huge crowd since it was Sunday.

Suddenly, the street filled, and I was pushing my way through the crowd until my face met the back of one of the soldiers.
"Uhh...excuse me? Can I please get through?" I tap his shoulder, and he turns around. He moved out of my way, making me space so I could comfortably pass the crowd. He didn't say a word, though.

I just begin walking, and I walk for 20 minutes until I get goosebumps. I turn around while walking to see the man who's been following me since the mall. This soldier was walking firmly towards me. When I sped up, he sped up. And I began to panic. I started running when he kept speeding up.

I can hear my heels giving out. It's a very unfortunate time to wear heels. He must've been the guy who has been giving me this weird feeling. What am I supposed to do. No one is here, and I have no way to get home except walk or, in this case, run. And I live alone. He could just break in and kill me. But why would a soldier want to attack me? Ugh, it's not the questions I should be asking right now. I keep and keep running until I reach a gift shop and run inside to hide. I stand by the cashier, catching my breath and letting my eyes roam around the room in fear. The lady just looks outside and tells me to calm down.

"You must be out of your head, sweetheart. There's no on out there." She chuckles. The lady might be around her 60's if not older. I quickly jump to the window to observe the outside and come to the realisation that, in fact, there is no on out there. I would've sworn there was a man chasing me. The soldier from the mall. But if I imagined it, it would explain why a soldier would attack me. Well, he wouldn't. No, there's no way I just imagined it. I'm making a fool out of myself.
"Umm... I'm sorry. I think I might just be a little tired, that's all. Sorry to bother you. Goodbye."

We say out goodbyes, and I hesitantly step outside. After looking around for about 10 minutes, I began walking cautiously. I continue walking, slowly starting to calm down, but the goosebumps remain. As I'm walking past a forest, I freeze. There's a wood snapping behind me. It's broad daylight, but the trees cover most sunlight coming into the forest. The endless trees make it difficult to see through the forest. My worry grows. I start to speed up, wanting to get out. I'm only 15 minutes from my house now. I know I can do this.

I don't even get out of the forest when I realise. My footsteps aren't the only ones in the forest. I turn around to see the Russian badge sticking out from behind one of the trees and the man coming with it. He doesn't stop walking when he sees me. It was almost as if he even sped up. I don't hesitate but sprint, hoping he won't catch me before I get home. My heartbeat is speeding up, and my breaths are getting sharper as I run through the forest. Branches poke me as I continue to run from my stalker. Is this real?... Or am I running from my imagination again? I don't let my mind think now.

As I exit the forest, I continue running on the footpath that has a huge flight of stairs leading to a bridge, which is about 5 minutes from my house. As I slowly peak behind me, the man is still walking but as if he's almost jogging after me. How is he still following. I stare back at him, not looking infron of my feet.

And the last thing I feel is my body hitting the rough ground and everything goes black.

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