The Hunt

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While the pack hunters gathered together, Osckar came to crouch next to me inspecting the scratches that had welled up with blood underneath my fur coat. His face was grim but the expression eased off as he saw that it looked worse than it actually was.

"Why do I have a feeling that this is going to be a normal occurrence?" he murmured to me.

I let out a huff and attempted to shrug my shoulders.

"I just know that you're going to bring a lot of excitement to the pack, all you have to do now is lead a successful hunt and the pack will welcome you. You did well in holding your own with two of my best."

I licked his face in gratitude, he laughed, and it warmed my stomach, it was the first time I'd heard it and I'd make sure it wasn't the last. Osckar looked over my shoulder and stood up, I turned to see what he was looking at and noticed six wolves had joined me now, my hunting party. I exhaled through my nose trotting up to them, Osckar trailing behind.

"Owen, my gamma will be the judge of the hunt, he will join you and report back to me." Osckar said down to me, his eyes burning with glee.

Out of the corner of my eye, a large russet wolf came to stand beside me, Owen I guessed. I inhaled his scent, my nostrils filling with pine and fresh grass, it would be good to know for future reference. Osckar jerked his chin at me and I knew it was all down to me now. I half-turned to look at the six wolves behind me and barked my command to follow as I moved deeper into the woods, my nose guiding me to any potential prey.

The hunters were near-silent as they walked with me. I had to double check several times to see if they were still following me. I was truly amazed, they were living up to their pack name, no wonder why they were feared, you couldn't hear them coming even if you tried.

My steps sounded loud to my ears and I cringed hoping that they didn't pay attention to it. Using my nose I scented an elk not too far from here, the main challenge was trying to convey what I needed them to do without the mindlink.

I looked to Owen and gestured with my snout that he should move in front of the elk, it looked like he understood and moved with another wolf disappearing into the trees. I moved, stalking the creature with another three wolves, I sent the small grey and brown one to position itself at the back, to corner it the elk off.

I lowered myself into the stalking stance as the elk came into view, the rest followed my lead. I stayed low as I got closer, on the other side I could see Owen laying low, he'd blended in a little too well that even I struggled to see him in his position.

The lone elk was grazing on the grass, too preoccupied with its meal. I just hoped that this was the last time I'd be lunging at anything for a while. I broke out into a run, the others hot on my tail. Startled, the elk ran off in Owens direction and I just hoped he could take it down.

No such luck, the elk veered left. I threw my body at the elk, it tumbled into the grass and one of the hunters that I didn't have a name for finished it off.

I was tired and in desperate need of sleep, tonight was just not what I expected but I was glad it was over, I was through the initiation and in the pack. Owen let out a howl of victory, the others around me followed, and then a chorus of howls sounded through the night as the rest of the pack joined in. It was my welcome song.


Sun kissed my eyelids, waking me from my sleepy state, I stretched my body, pushing my arms as far back as I could. A faint ache in my muscles thrummed as a reminder of what happened last night. I had earned my place in a new pack, and as someone, they could respect and rely on. A sense of pride and accomplishment shot through me.

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