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"I told you, I didn't do anything but knowing my Alpha Darius, excuse me former alpha," I amended when Osckar growled "he'd blame anyone and that happens to be me because I was there when it happened, not to mention his minions were right there to twist what actually happened."

I tugged my hair in frustration, as I paced the room. Owen had questioned the reason behind the man hunt for me and Osckar's indifferent expression as he regarded me scared me for a moment.

"I don't think I can handle all of this. I haven't had time to fully grieve and now I'm being hunted." I said hysterically.

"You don't need to worry about your old alpha. I'll take care of that." Osckar said coming to embrace me. "As your mate I will do everything in my power to help you, and as the alpha of this pack I protect all its members, even if you haven't been formally accepted yet."

His gaze was intense, willing me to believe that he would keep his word and I did. So far he was everything I wanted in a mate not that I had given it much thought past wondering what my life would be like when I was older.

We were silent, just holding each other. I inhaled his scent and revelled in the comfort it brought me. I felt at peace for the first time since I'd ran from my pack just days ago. What I didn't understand was why the alpha thought I was the one to kill my own parents.

His siblings gradually emptied the room, recognising that this was quickly becoming a private affair.

"I could feel them die." I whispered feeling numb.

Osckar stiffened.


"I could feel them die through the mind link. I mean sure members of the pack die and you feel the link you have to them fade but because my dad's blood line was so potent I felt the worst of his pain seconds before he died."

"That's never happened before." Osckar said running a hand through his hair "It's not supposed to be like that for anyone other than your mate."

"I know it isn't." I said pulling back, now hesitant, I wasn't sure if I should tell him about my family history.

"What is it?" he asked sensing my distress.

I opened my mouth but the words wouldn't come out. The conversation I had with my dad just three months ago echoed in my mind.

"Never tell anyone the family secret, not even your mother knows." He'd said wrapping an arm around my shoulder as we walked

"Why tell me then?" I said, utterly confused.

"Because you are the next in line and you need to know, the other weres will think of us as an abomination, we aren't meant to exist." He whispered harshly into my ear so no one else could hear.

"What if I need help? I will need to tell someone." I said panicking, it was like he was preparing for the worst.

He sighed "Only if you are in the greatest danger and you have no other choice." He amended "but your blood will call out to the ancestors when you really need it and help will come. I have a book under the name of The Art of Science in my study, it has everything you need to know about our bloodline."

With those closing words he bound me to a blood oath, if I broke it I'd be cursed and bound to the moon like legends of the werewolves.

"Calla?" Osckar asked bringing me back to the present.

"Nothing, its nothing." I murmured deciding against it, it wasn't time to tell him.

"Are you sure?" he asked watching me as I sag back on the couch.

I nodded.

"Let me go make some calls, I can arrange a meeting with Alpha Darius and sort this out."

"No!" I shouted and winced, at how desperate it sounded. "I mean no, don't."

"You don't need to be afraid, we've got the best fighters here." he said.

I smiled slightly "I wasn't worried about that, your reputation exceeds you."

He grinned smugly, totally proud of the reputation he generated over the years. As Osckar left to arrange the meeting my increasingly worried and dark thoughts grew.

If my dad had taken his position as alpha this wouldn't be happening right now but then again I most likely would never have met Osckar. He was the only good thing that has come out of this terrible situation.

I knew the meeting with Alpha Darius was needed to clear the air, hopefully he can pull off his stupid man hunt and let me tell the story from my point of view. If the meeting did go a long and I was allowed to return I could gather what I could of my parent's belongings.

I didn't see Osckar for most of the day, he was busy making calls, I hoped he got through to Alpha Darius.
I spent most of my day inside with Bay and Jamie, Bay was rather quiet throwing looks at me every few seconds, they began to annoy me and I was very tempted to run my mouth at her, but I didn't want that to be one of the first impressions I gave.

But around dinner time Bay was glaring at me, her fork stabbing into her meat harshly, I couldn't help the low warning growl that sounded deep in my throat. A few other who didn't know what was transpiring sent me questioning looks but I kept my gaze on Bay.

Eventually she looked down at her plate and I resumed eating. I glanced around the table, I knew none of these people, thankfully dinner was a smaller affair compared to lunch, six people sat with me, Osckars siblings a few other members I recognise.
They all chatted among themselves at ease but it didn't sit right, I didn't know who these people were and I wasn't in the right mood to find out. I needed to get out of here. I excused myself from the table and quickly walked out through the back door needing some fresh air.

I sat on the bench breathing in deeply, it was late summer so the sun was setting, I couldn't believe that it had only been two days since my parents death, and I could still feel the chilling pain they endured as if it was my own. I remember following their sent not too long after they left all the way to the boarder, I made sure to keep my distance and my steps as quiet as possible. It wasn't until I heard the growls and painful whines of wolves that made me start running, I shifted midway, my clothes tearing right off. I suddenly felt a searing pain on my right shoulder, my leg buckled underneath me as I crumpled in pain, I looked to my shoulder but there was nothing biting down. Shaking it off I began to run again, another searing pain my stomach hindered my speed but I didn't stop.

By the time I reached my parents they'd taken down a few wolves already but they were badly injured, my dad was fighting two wolves and my mom battled another. I wondered why there weren't any reinforcement yet. Why hadn't the rest of border patrol got here? Not wasting any time I lunged for the wolf my mom was fighting, we both tumbled to the ground at the force of my weight but I was ready for him and lunged again sinking my teeth into his throat.
I looked up just in time to see another wolf fighting my mom, he had the upper hand, my mom collapsed onto the ground breathing harshly before he tore into her. I felt the slashes against my chest before it quickly faded, any link I had with her was gone, in a blind fury I attacked.

In the back of my mind I registered the silence surrounding me, I quickly turned looking for my dad, he was laying on his side breathing harshly his pain was mine, both for my mom and his injuries. 

Dad, I said through the mind link, my grief was evident even in my mind.

He looked up at me pain laced in his eyes .

Don't leave, I begged. His wounds were too sever to heal up quickly and there as no medical help, I knew it was inevitable.

I'll never leave you, not really, I love you sweetheart, his words whispered through my head as he took his last breath.

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