18. Man Down

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As Dami and Mingyu reached the mansion's entrance, she suddenly stopped in her tracks, causing him to turn and meet her gaze. 

"What is it?" he asked, his brows knitting together.

"Umm...I need to grab something from the infirmary," Dami replied, her voice edged with agitation. "Wait here," she added before turning and leaving Mingyu standing alone in the middle of the room.

Mingyu sighed, shaking his head. "This girl..." he muttered under his breath. 

But for the first time, he saw something different in her eyes—fear.

From the first time she set foot in their mansion, from the first moment their eyes met, he had never seen an ounce of fear in her. 

She was always courageous, ready to face anything—even death. But now, for the first time, Mingyu saw fear in her eyes, maybe even panic.

And in that instant, he knew something was wrong. He had to uncover the truth and expose who she really was.

Dami entered the room that served as the mansion's infirmary, the place where she had spent most of her time since arriving.

After closing the door, Dami took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her anxiety settle over her. She quickly moved to the medicine cabinet, its familiar scent of antiseptic and herbs filling the air.

Her heart raced as she scanned the shelves lined with bottles and boxes, each one a potential solution to her problem. 

She could hear the faint rustle of the packaging as her fingers hurriedly brushed against the bottles, searching for the one she needed. 

The sound of plastic clinking against glass filled the space as she pushed aside rows of medicine, her mind focused and determined.

Finally, her fingers paused on a small, amber bottle, its label slightly crumpled. Relief washed over her as she realized it was exactly what she was looking for.

"Alprazolam? Who are we trying to knock out for good?" Minghao's voice echoed from behind her, startling her just enough to make her flinch.

(for context, alprazolam=xanax)

"No one. Just in case," Dami replied, her heart racing as a surge of adrenaline coursed through her.

Minghao simply gazed at her, as if he were trying to memorize every detail of her expression and features. 

"Mhmm. Take care of yourself, Dami. I know you can handle this," he said softly, his voice laced with concern. A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips, a quiet reassurance.

"I will," Dami replied, her voice flat and devoid of emotion. Her face remained impassive, masking the whirlwind of thoughts and feelings swirling inside her. 

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