Chapter 4: Bebak morasu (Quiet morning)

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Yareli stumbled out of her room,this dream haunted her thoughts. It is still night, everything was asleep. The girl quickly made her way to Siuans room. As expected, two guards were infront of her rooms. "I need to get to the Amyrlin Seat.", Yareli demanded breathless. The guards looked at her, somewhat confused why the girl, that lived in the tower without being a channeller, suddenly in the middle of the night wants to see the Amyrlin Seat. "She is not available at the moment, young girl.", one of the guards said. Yareli rolled her eyes. "I need to speak with her. Right now!", she said more urgent than before. The guard turned towards her, his eyebrows furrowed. "And I said the Amyrlin Seat is not available." Yareli huffed into the face of the guard, as if she would listen to that. "Have you forgotten that I live here because the Amyrlin Seat wished so. I am quite sure, I can see her. So let me through!", she played the card on purpose. Usually the guards did not budge on this, but apparently that one did. "Young Lady, I don't know why you think you can demand this, but you cannot talk with her right now. She is asleep.", the guard tried to reason with Yareli. "I sm sure whatever it is in can wait until the morning, don't you agree, little girl?"
Now that was reason enough for Yareli to get angry, how dare this dumb guard call her "little" and talk to her like she is a five year old.
She slapped the guard into his face. "I demand you to open the doors.", she spoke angry. The guard shocked she slapped him, got as well angry. Just as he wanted to grab Yareli and Ring her down, the doors of the Amyrlin Seat room opened. "What in lights name is going on out here?!", Siuan spoke relatively loud and immediatly got the attention from the guards and also Yarelis. "What are you going with the girl? Let go of her.", she ordered the guard who had Yareli on her arm. "This girl demanded to speak with you, Amyrlin Seat. I told her you would sleep and that she cannot demand like that. I was just about-", Siuan stopped him with a hand gesture. "The next time, the girl shows up in the middle of the night infront of my rooms, you will let her in. Understood?", her voice is authoritive, not allowing disobedience. The gusrd lowered his face. "As you command, Amyrlin Seat.", he plainly said and Kette go of Yareli. The girl rubbed her arm, and went inside Siuans rooms. As the doors were closed, Siuan looked at the girl. "Nightmares?", she asked softly and went to Yareli to take a look at her arm to make sure she is not injured. Yareli nodded. "The same. As always. And..", she hesitated. "Yes? Something else, my l flower?", Siuan locked eyes with Yareli, sensing the girl wanted to say more. "Moiraine was in it. Captured. Helpless.", Yareli sounded scared and confused, and just felt how Siuan took her into a warm hug. "She's safe, surely. Alright? Nothing could get her down. I am very sure of that. Moiraine is strong... and stubborn. She will be alright.", thise words of comfort helped actually to calm Yareli down. Silence fell between the two, Yareli clung to Siuans hug, and the older did not intend to loosen the hug. If Yareli needs comfort, she was glad to give it to her.

"Moiraine... wake up.", Lan woke Moiraine. They had travelled a lot the day before. Yet now both needed to gather their last strength. "What is it?", Moiraine said sleepy and got up, rubbing her eyes. "Get up, quickly. Whitecloaks. Just a mile away.", Lan helped his Aes Sedai up. Moiraine was still sleepy but tried to focus. Whitecloaks were no good sign. Not at all. What did they want so far in the north? Usually they roamed more southern. "We ride. West.", she said and rolled up her blanket quickly, so did Lan. Moiraine looked at the necklace which Yareli had made for her so many years ago. The rope was slightly stained but the stone still shimmered beautifully. She thought about the girl, hopefully the Tower politics did not eat her alive. Lan watched Moiraine, knowing her thoughts are with Yareli, he felt the worry inside his friend. "Surely she's alright.", he spoke softly and placed a hand on her shoulder. Moiraine straightened her back, swallowing her worry. "Let's go.", she just said, overplaying how she truly felt. Lan only sighed, when would she be fine with him knowing about her emotions.
Both mounted their horses, starting to ride far more into the forest, where the shadows got darker and darker. Warder and Aes Sedai did not see the fate that was falling them through the shadows.

Siuan watched how Yareli slept in her bed, she had let the girl stay with her for the night, cuddled her until she had fallen asleep. Now that it was morning, and Siuan had to get to her duties. As she put on the jewelry, Yareli slowly woke up. "Siuan?", the teenager sits up slowly, hair messy from the night before, she rubbed her eyes to get the sleep out. Siuan smiled softly, oh she looked just like when she was just a child. "Good morning, sweet petal.", Yareli yawned and stretched herself. She was tired, the last night had been rough to her. "You have to go? Can you not stay for a bit more?", she asked quietly, pulling the huge blanket tighter around her. Siuan walked towards her. "I wish I could, sweetheart. But you know I have duties that I cannot delay.", she strokes softly over the girls cheek. "But stay as long as you want, alright? I make sure no one disturbs you in here.", she offered with a small smile, gave Yareli a kiss on her head. Yareli just nodded, she definitly wanted to sleep a bit longer. The night had taken a lot from her.

When Yareli woke up again, the sun was standing high on the sky. The girl slowly got out of the bed, which had been so much more comfortable than her own. But maybe that was because it smelled like Siuan and her perfume had always been something calm for Yareli. Truly safety. Nothing could harm her if Siuan was around. As the teenager got ready and braided her long golden hair, she decided to take a ride out today. Riding always cleared her head and she had been on a ride out for so long. She left Siuans rooms, not knowing a curious Aes Sedai watched her from afar. What had the girl been doing in the Amyrlin Seats rooms?

Yareli went to the stables after she had lunch. Her horse, Ailen, greeted her with a friendly nudge. The girl chuckled, her black stallion was playful as always. She had found him as a foal, close the butchers market and she could not think about that the horse would be killed. So she had taken him into the stables of the White Tower, cared for him, named him destiny in old tongue. Now that Ailen is old enough she took him for rides, and by the light that stallion was strong. "Hey you, wanna go for a ride out?", she carefully strokes over his soft nostrils. As she began to clean the horse and saddle him she heard a all too familiar voice. "Ah, Yareli. Taking him out for a ride?", it was Darian. He looked sweaty and had pitchfork in his hands. "Yeah I figured that would do him good. Have not been out with him for a while now.", she answered as she took her saddle, brown leather with a red stitching, truly beautiful. She stopped for a moment. "Why are you sweaty? Don't say Andere told you to clean out the boxes?", she chuckled slightly. Darian rubbed his head, obviously embarrassed. "Uh yeah. Precisely that.", he said a bit out of breath. Yareli could not contain her smirk, feeling a bit sorry for her friend. "Does the Amyrlin Seat know about your ride out? Not that I have to find you again.", he joked and tried to change topics. Yareli just nodded. "Yeahy I left her a letter.", she said smiling, then went back to Ailen to saddle him. Once the saddle was secured she took the horse with her, waving goodbye to Darian who waved back with sweat dripping from his forehead. Yareli chuckled once more at the sight of her friend, then mounted Ailen and started to trott out of the city.

A bit more calm chapter, hope you still like it.

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