Chapter 15: Morasu vid neb (A Morning with Mist)

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"Mother.", Sheriam greeted the Amyrlin Seat. Siuan turned and looked at the mistress of novices, waiting on her report regarding Yareli's test. "She passed. She mastered all three arches and each one she mastered like a true Aes Sedai. But in the last one, I felt a certain power within the arch.", the elder Aes Sedai explained. Siuan looked at her confused, what did she talk about? Surely the arches were fueled by the one Power but that is surely not what Sheriam meant. "Whatever are you talking about, daughter?", her concern was written into her face. Siuan could not make the connections as to why there had been something unusual in the arches. The one Power normally did not make any mistakes nor was anyone able to manipulate the old aged power within the arches. Sheriam got closer to the Amyrlin Seat, her worry was as present as Siuan's confusion. "Yareli did well in the first two arches, but I am not quite sure what she did or saw in the third one. The energy of the one Power had changed in the third arch only moments before the girl stumbled out. She must have channeled inside that arch. We both know this is not possible for any 'normal' Aes Sedai.", the blue Aes Sedai explained. Siuan listened intently, she knew Yareli had power inside her that could even overthrow the power of herself. It was strange, the girl seemed nervous before the test but any novice was nervous beforehand. She needed to talk to her little girl, to make sure she is alright. "I will talk to her. Where is she?", Siuan forced herself to stay calm and not to worry Sheriam further. "Leane and Alanna brought her back to her room, the girl was exhausted. And she got a scar from the last arch on her cheek."          "Thank you, Sheriam. Depart in light, daughter.", was all Siuan said as she dismissed the elder Aes Sedai. 

Yareli had slept a while after her test, which had taken a toll on her. Nonetheless, her mind had raced around that voice that had helped her through the arches and especially the last word hung in her mind. 'Sister', that is what the voice had called her. Yet Yareli did not know anything about a sister who was of the same blood as hers. Siuan and Moirraine had raised her alone and not with another girl or boy. Drifting off into another deep sleep, her mind started to wander into dreamlands that placed more horror and confusion into the girls' consciousness.  Waking up the next morning, the girl had heard her name again. That voice followed her. Within her dreams and even outside. "Yareli...", she jerked around, but no one was inside her room. Was she starting to get mad? Usually, only men started to get mad when they used the One Power. The girl decided to get herself ready, it felt strange, now being an Accepted. Soon she would be at the side of a fully trained Aes Sedai, to learn more advanced channeling. Hopefully, Siuan would take her word for real and consider her wish. Aside from Moirraine, Yareli also could imagine herself next to Liandrin. Liandrin had taught her so much already and if Moirraine would not come back home soon, she would rather train with the red Aes Sedai than anyone else. Just as she wanted to freshen up her face, the water in the sink was not still and not moving. Instead, she saw ripples across the surface, blinking a few times did not make the ripples go away. Was she still dreaming? Since when did water move on its own? She would definitely tell Siuan about this, maybe the older had an explanation for her. Yareli got herself dressed, her robes were now bright white instead of the greyish once the novices wore. On her nightstand was the ring every Accepted got, she looked at it quietly, and turned it a few times in her hand. The golden ring glistened in the morning sunlight, radiating a certain warmth and power. She put the ring on and left her room, not seeing the mist she left behind when closing the door. On her way to the dining halls, she ran into Darian. "Hey D!", she called out and her mood immediately lightened when she noticed her best friend. Darian smiled in her direction but nodded outside. He did not have the time for a little conversation and Yareli understood he had duties to fulfill. Though she would have loved to talk to her friend for a while. She took the shortcut over the fountain garden towards the dining halls. These gardens were filled with endless fountains, old willow trees, and tons of flowers. She loved it, especially sitting near a fountain and listening to the soothing water noises. Nothing could calm her more down than the sounds of water. But since she was a little hungry, she did not stop at one of the fountains. Once again mist dragged behind her and a few other novices started to whisper about it. Yareli did not notice a thing, her appetite led her quickly to the dining halls. Grabbing a good breakfast with the typical bread of Tar Valon and fruit, she settled down on an empty table, enjoying every bite. Savoring the tastes is truly heavenly. Though thirst also made itself present, the girl got up quickly and wanted to pour herself a cup of milk. When she looked at the small basin of milk, she saw her reflection was odd. A second take on it and the girl noticed her reflection had white eyes, instead of her usual color. She shook her head and the reflection was normal again. Was she truly hallucinating now? 

After she finished her breakfast, she made her way to Siuan. Her need to talk to her mother figure was nearly unbearable for her now. She knocked at the rooms of the Amyrlin Seat which were opened immediately. Yareli got inside, looked for Siuan and when she saw the Amyrlin at the window, she smiled. "Mother.", she curtseyed according to protocol, catching Siuans attention.

"Blossom. There you are. I've been waiting for you.", Siuan sounded as soft and warm as ever and it was pure therapy for Yareli. She stepped closer and hugged her adoptive mother tightly. Oh how much they had to talk about... If they only had the time.


another chapter, I hope you all like it, a bit more quiet today, I promise more drama soon.

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