22 1 21

"What a hassle"
It was a small whisper, devoid of malice or contempt, opposite to the words spoken.

Pale white, lithe hands, swiftly and elegantly but not coarsely covered a point in white bandages making sure that they are compressed. A small wince could be heard from the one getting entangled in the web of cotton bandages.

"Can't you be gentle?"
She complained in her river-smooth voice.

His red eyes, resembling that of burning coal, spared a glance at her countenance. He was met with a scrunched up nose and pouted lips. Followed by a soft sigh the raven haired man slowed his pace.

Athanasia slumped her shoulders and continued looking at the man with her big doe eyes. Curiousity evident but not more than necessary. The reason for her piqued interest was the aura the man opposite to her was overlapped in. An aura of professionalism and matureness that was not present a while before.

"Are you a doctor? Or perhaps, someone related in that profession?"
She asked. Her hand reaching to her cheeks and putting a strand of her blonde, similar to that of the sand on beach and the sauntering rays of sun, hair behind her ears.

Lucas hummed. Not tearing his gaze asunder from the sprawled leg of the woman he is attending.

"Used to be"

Athanasia motioned her lips into an 'oh'. Her head unconsciously moving south and north. She didn't chose to implore further in the man's life. It would be rude, considering the fact that she has already been a brat forth him. She was also ashamed of her prior actions which were simply opposite of her age. She had bothered a man willing to help her, truly childish.

"I am sorry for being a nuisance"
It didn't took much of her to apologise. Her ego wasn't higher than her feelings of gratitude.

"Hm. Not a problem"
Lucas still didn't have an enthusiastic answer that simply contradicts the way he was before. Fighting and full of life. Now he just seems like a moving corpse, horrifying to look at, and his pallid skin doesn't help much either if not for putting wieght on his otherworldly appearance.

Now that we have talked about 'appearance', It was true that he had an otherwordly complexion. Both figuratively and literally. He had pale white, as noted several times in the previous texts, body. His hair were pure black, contradicting his skin. His eyes, were nothing less than intoxicating, as if they take the viewer in a choke hold from which only death is foreseeable. They were a shade of red, the shade that resembled the blood that surged in the body of every person, the red that resembeled the soft petals of well protected roses, the red that burned with rage, the red that lived in the glass of a Ruby. His complexion wasn't much heavy. He was lithe and slender, but still looked strong. He was the embodiment of beauty, the human of persofication of Hades. Beautiful and alluring. Just like how death is.

Athanasia was pulled out of her thoughts at the chime. She looked at him.

"It will take six weeks to get better in the least"
He informed. Twisting his torso to get his body some motion---unaware of the blue eyes that are following his muscles as they shift. Athanasia didn't mean to stare, really-she is anything but a creep. However, it wasn't her fault that his body looked tempting. Any girl shall be drunk from the living proof of beauty.

At that moment, it was a sudden but attractive idea, she had the thought of something. It was true that earlier that day the tantalizing memories of her past had attacked her. And it is also true that she wish to move on. Thus, was the reason as to why the two individuals--ruby and diamond, decided to get together. Both of them had their own motives and the solution of them was one same thing.

"Are you single?"
The food that was kept in the ravennete's mouth for chewing was abruptly spouted out. The question was so sudden that it caught him off gaurd. But, WHO THE HELL ASKS 'Are you single?' RANDOMLY ON A DINING TABLE WITH A GUY YOU JUST MET!?!?!?

Athanasia passed him a glass of water. He gratefully gurgled it down his throat.

"You okay?"
She asked raising a brow and putting her chopsticks on the table, beside the plate on which dinner is seated steamingly.

Lucas nodded his head. And took a deep breath puffing his chests up. "What was that sudden question?"
He asked returning back to eating.

The blonde too lift her chopsticks and started nibbling on the food which were noodles made by the host.

"Thought I should date you"
This time he coughed but didn't spewed his eaten noodle strands out.

"And what got you thinking that I will agree?"

"Not tryna brag but I am good looking and have a stable job which are the requirements for a relationship partner"

"I won't deny that, but it was sudden and abrupt"

"As you should. Yes it is, but let's look at it? You seem like a kind man and I don't care if you aren't either"

"Why don't you?"





She smiled and looked at him. "Don't you want a girlfriend as sweet as me?"

He was taken aback by the question. "No, you aren't sweet and your sense of self preservation is weaker than that of my father who died due to suicide"

"Excuse me!? Did you just called me worse than a suicidal person!"

"Yes. And you are worse with empathy too? You should comfort me when I talked about my dead father."

"Damn, I heard about that, okay! I was going to comfort"
She puffed her cheeks and glared at him.

"Were you?"


"As if."

The bickering that seemed to interminable came to a halt when the door bell rung. Lucas stood up from chair and walked towards the entrance, curious on who had come in such a wheather.

Athanasia had no intention to just sit limply at the same spot either, so she also sprung out of her chair and tailed behind the ravennete.


The door was the unlocked and the figure that introduced itself was that of a woman. She looked like she was in her late 50s with faint wrinkles on her cheeks and beneath her eyes. She had pure black hair parallel to that of the man who opened that door. Her eyes, on the contrary, were a shade of lime that shown brightly in the dimness of the corner at which the house was situated.

"Missed me, sweety?


Writing romance feels so wierd ;;;

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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