Junk Mail 4

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Remi's P.O.V
After Joy left Cassidy and Ashton came to pick us up. It happens often that Joy will sleep at mine so we can chill with Jonas. He's been kind of screwed for a while and we've been trying to lift the mood for him.

It's mostly his dad now a days. Ever since his mom left him and his sister they've grown apart. So now the reason for him staying at mine is because his dad beats him; and sometimes his sister. We don't see much of her now ever since she started staying with her friend Delaney. Jonas used to get dirty with her but then she left him because he wanted a more official relationship. So yeah that's the sob story.

When Cassidy and Ashton got here we were sitting on the curb talking about absolutely nothing but nonsense. Jonas then grabbed both our bags, threw 'em in the back and we hopped in. The hopping thing is kind of restrictive because of our uniforms but I personally don't really care. Jonas on the other hand hates the uniforms and refuses to wear them properly.

"Hey you guys ready for a glorious day at school!?" Ashton said emphasizing his sarcasm.

Cassidy groaned making all of us laugh and caused her to blush when she realized how sexual it sounded.

"Cassidy I pray you got all of those noises out with Ashton before hand?" I was just teasing but I was kind of curious as to why he was with her. My remark caused Ashton to throw his bag at me making us laugh even more.

"FYI Remi that's not even close to what happened." She said this in a mocking kind of way referring to Ashton.

I don't really care what those two were doing earlier all I know is that Ashton is probably lucky to have spent a morning with Cassidy. Joy and I both have admitted that she's like an idol person I guess. But I wouldn't trade my joy for anything. Because she's my everything.

Hehehe so now you've been introduced to Remi! Let me know how you like him and/or the story in general :)

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