part 1

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he stood by his post, the lights illuminating his face.

she looked in, toward all the people. it was packed. well, of course it was! the collywoods were the most prestigious family, and to even be invited? that was a prize.

the guard standing near the door tried not to look at her. 

she tried not to look away.

"so many.." she muttered, patting her green dress nervously. and the guard was not helping.

"first time?" he finally said, still not looking at her. 

his eyes were too busy darting around the room, and his mind was only focused on one fact: do not, under any circumstances, talk to the princess. and he was already stupid enough to fail that.

"yeah." she sighed, crossing her arms. her hands and forearms were gloved. they matched her dress. the knight thought about how beautiful the prince would find her.

he nodded slowly, trying to look around for any other guards. he didn't want to get caught talking to this princess. that'd be death for both of them.

the collywood kingdom, or the knights and maids, were barely allowed to talk to any princesses or princes, because of their lower status. and the kingdoms didn't want any secret affairs happening under the king's rule. 

this princess didn't seem to care, though...he glanced toward her for a moment, but she was already staring.

"say... what's your name, sir?" she asked, studying for a bit.

he continued to look around the room, the ballroom, watching the guests mingle and dance. they were playing a slow song, one to waltz to. he never learned to dance, he wasn't one to learn to dance either way. the princess pouted, noticing how he hadn't paid much attention to her.

"miss estelle," her escort had finally gotten back. she quickly stared at them.they looked her over, then looked at the guard. they quickly leaned in to whisper something that the guard couldn't quite catch. but he stood obediently at his post, ignoring any distractions. 

the princess nodded at the escort's words, then they soon left. the guard felt like he could finally take a breath, as if he could finally focus, but all that was on his mind was how pretty that stupid princess was. 

this, this is true hell.


estacian princess x collywood knight (estelle venuia x maverick summers)Where stories live. Discover now