part 3

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maverick looked up from the book in his lap. the person who called his name stood over him. he used his hand to cover the sunlight from his eyes.

"yeah?" maverick asked, trying to look at their face. it wasn't helping that they were standing right in front of the sun.

"the king's called for you again."

maverick raised an eyebrow, squinting up toward the person.

"the princess needs to be escorted." pause. "her servant has been.. assassinated. it's sparked her..unique personality."

maverick looked confused, but he quickly stood up. the maid's face finally rendered in the sunlight. alice.

alice grabbed maverick's hand and started to pull him along with her. they quickly walked past a few other knights who were practicing their sword skills. a few watching maverick and alice, giving maverick a few sly looks. maverick ignored it.

soon enough, they could hear yelling once they finally reached the cover of the castle and the long hall.

"i didn't agree to marry your stupid son!" the princess's voice, quivering. "i never wanted any of this! this was all my- my stupid parents' fault!"

no one seemed to take her seriously. the maids standing in the corner, giggling as they spoke. even maverick thought of her as even more weird from the look on her face and the tears of frustration welling up in her eyes.

she quickly wiped her mouth.

the king spoke back in a monotone voice. calming as always. he didn't take her anymore seriously than maverick did. "well, that's what your parents agreed to. so, it shall be done. that is that."

princess estelle gave him a shocked look, as if he had just stripped her rights away. "hey-that's not-!"

"please, stop yelling." the prince, lance wood, walked around the corner toward them, arms folded. he seemed impatient. he tapped his black shoes against the castle floors. "what is the matter, father?"

he glanced at the princess's teary eyes. then at the king. prince wood couldn't care less of the princess's feelings, he only wanted power.

"i am NOT marrying him!" the princess yelled, pointing at lance. maverick had never seen her so aggravated until now. what had the prince done that was so bad...?

"i will never marry your-your stupid son!" her lips trembled as she spoke, her voice heightening. "he doesn't know how to treat a lady! he's not fit to be king!"

the king scoffed at her, looking at prince lance. the prince's eyes darted back and forth between his father and the princess. he couldn't just stand for that. his temper boiled.

"you have no choice!"

the prince's eyes widened and he immediately grabbed the princess's hand. he was as intimidating as always. maverick didn't even want to try and interfere, but as a knight, it was his job.

the princess tried to pull back, but the prince's grip tightened.

"apologize! at once!" his expression grew darker and his eyes narrowed at the princess. "you DO NOT get to speak to me like-"

maverick grabbed the prince's hand, pulling it away from the princess. the princess moved back, rubbing her wrist.

the prince, shocked and embarrassed, hit maverick away, then stormed off. "none of you people have respect! dad, i want her out!"

both maverick and the king looked at the crying princess. with immediate regret, she lifted her green sundress from the floor and dashed off. the king gave maverick a look that said 'go get her.'


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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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