[2] Friends of the Forest

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(A/N): So I knew there was something I was forgetting in my after notes of last chapter- and it's the fact that the characters are going to age throughout this story. Everyone's age will go up a year with every new region they travel to. So, for example, MC will be fourteen whenever we reach the Unova region. As I am no longer comfortable explicitly writing ten year olds in romantic settings.


By the time you finally make it to Pewter City, you're exhausted. You didn't sleep well under the stars. And the forest wasn't the most comfortable cushioning either. Your tempted to just take a nap the moment you enter the Pokémon Center, and that's what you do. After you get checked in, of course.

"I was planning on heading over to the gym right away!" Ash tells you as Misty speaks with Nurse Joy, getting you all a room so you can have a decent sleep for at least one night, "You're going to challenge it too, right?"

"Yeah, I will. But I think I'll head over there later, I'm exhausted," You say, trying to prevent a yawn from escaping your lips, "I could use a nap after all the traveling we did."

He nods in understanding, but you can see a glimpse of confusion pass through his eyes. As if he can't understand why you'd pass up the opportunity to challenge a gym immediately. He seems like he's about to say something, probably ask you why. But thankfully Misty arrives back with keys to the room for everyone, and saves you from an extra awkward explanation to Ash about why your sleep schedule is more important than a gym battle.

You inform her of what you're going to do, and she shrugs it off. Saying she was going to go look around the shops anyway, and you could always find her after you rest. Not minding your sudden wish for a nap in the slightest.

That was how your parted ways, you waved them goodbye as you left for the room, Bulbasaur still resting in your arms. It wasn't too long of a walk to get there, and the room had two bunk beds instead of the single one like the room you stayed in at the last Pokémon Center. Due to there being three people in your party. You ended up settling down on the lower bunk of the one pushed against the right wall, and Bulbasaur jumped out of your arms to curl up next to your pillow. And you drifted off into a light slumber soon after.


You awoke sometime later, still feeling weary. Your body ached, likely due to all the walking and then sudden rest. But you still felt refreshed. Perhaps you could go find Misty, spend some time looking through the shops with her, and then go to the Pewter gym for a gym battle. It would be fun, you'd enjoy yourself.

You freshened up using the connecting bathroom beside this room, before exiting. Bulbasaur walking alongside you this time, rather than in your arms. You exit the building, waving goodbye to Nurse Joy after you make eye contact, and step out onto the calm streets of Pewter City. There aren't as many people milling about as you would have expected.

The sun beats down upon you, and you can already feel yourself sweating. It's really hot outside. You weren't expecting this sudden spike in temperature. And apparently neither was your Bulbasaur, though she seems less bothered by it. Likely due to the fact that she photosynthesizes to gain energy. But you have your mind set on escaping this sweltering heat. So you let your eyes scan the various shops as you walk around, hoping to find one that catches your eye. Or find Misty. Whichever happens first.

Thankfully, in a few minutes, you do manage to find a shop you want to take a peak in. It's one filled with all sorts of jewelry, all unique and made with different types of stones. You don't plan on buying anything, but it can't hurt to look. Everything is very pretty and high quality. You can tell that just from looking at the pieces in the window displays.

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