Personal Notes

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a/n: specifically my own recap a year later of this manuscript. basically a review and notes on old writing/how to improve and to compare current writing to this baby.

- unrealistic as fuck: her dad's an ass but is always switching sides (being her dad/not)

- random character personalities: specifically mer and jj, often jj's described as a hyper kid, then gets serious around her. when sarah's like see ur dad even tho her dad (ward) is an ass??

- WHYS: why is her dad an ass????????!!

- mostly summerization of scenes, tho skips over obx plot and goes into romance plot, still too short needs detail

- often scenes have no visual description of setting

- never fully concludes 'theory's' or 'concept's

- pope was fine with being played with

- too much repetition of wording "yelled" or "shouted"

- very surface level stuff: SHOW not tell, instead allow readers to slowly figure shit out

- and finally UNCOMPLETED 

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