Trash of the counts family brainrot for how the story wouldve been had all the sexes been inverted. how the dianamics woulev changed and how they relationsihip as well as their way to go about thingsm they personality, not their core, but the way they express themselves wuold change depending on hiw they were raised and who theyre talking to. girls dont talk to girls the same way boys talk to boys, howver i do believe their waay of communicatijng would change even if their core belief and goals remain the same.
catherine/Keila, pronouced as written, Kay from okay , and la as in sol la si. is a villainess instead of a minor villain. probably felt threatenent by the fact that choi han is a swordwoman, so unproper. would humiliate choi han the villainess way and do petty bullying. doesnt like seeing someone more competent that basen have contact, she may loses her value as marriage material i guess?? so like lilly would become the head then and like the boys, or now, girls would be married off. the counts having high value wuld not "sell" them but wouldnt want them to either marry for money or power but for love.
Basen- Bessy, or Betty, Beth? Elisabeth? i havent decided yet.
Lily, Liam. 100%
Alberu - Anthony most likely, so like antonia. veronica? alejxandra
Roaslyn- Ronnie/Ryan
Choi han- choi Hanna, i really need better korean names yall
Lock- Lotte
Ron- Rose
Beacrox/Vicross-Veronica, violet, belle
ill finish this later i guess
Fanfictioni shouldve most likely just written..ahhh. not the rcorect phrasing. let me try once more i woudlve been better of wtinggin this in a diary instead of wattpad but og well.