Epiksey - Chapter two

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Important Note: Contains domestic physical abuse!! 

Deep asleep in my bed, I hear the irritating sound of an alarm. Half-asleep, I mumble, "Theo... Theo..." My hand reaches out to my husband, nudging his pillow. "Wake up... turn it off." Opening one eye all tired, I see him gazing down at me, leaning against the headboard. He seems to be awake for a while, so why hasn't he silenced the alarm yet? I roll my eyes, turning away from him.
"When were you going to tell me?" he suddenly asks out of the blue. I sigh, fully aware of what he's referring to.. "Today. Really." I slowly sit up, rubbing my eyes, noticing the darkness in his gaze. "Look, I fell asleep early, and you weren't here. Can we not make a big deal out of it?" He remains silent, giving me the cold shoulder, as if I had been out all night partying. It used to hurt.. knowing what he does when he is not home, but now I feel relieved when he's not around. I glance at him, arms crossed as I speak low,"Are you... at least happy for me? You know how much I've wanted this job since we graduated from Hogwarts," I ask. He  just rolls his eyes and heads to the bathroom. As always, he never faces his problems, it has been like this since we were 17, why would it be any different over ten years later.
Ugh. That's it. I'm done. But he can't know yet.. otherwise, he'll ruin it and make me stay for another ten pointless years. I pause, realizing my feelings of resentment towards someone I'm supposed to love. Is that okay? Love... I chuckle silently. There was never love. It was an arranged marriage to maintain our bloodline. Hah. Blooline. As if I cared. Now they have it, pure but ending because, by Merlin, I will never bear this man's child. I'd sooner eat a broom, risking it merging my organs when it tries to fly off.

The day went by in silence. Theo wouldn't speak a word with me, making me feel like I was the one being in the wrong here. ^You are not! I'm not. He will realize it sooner or later as well..^
Finally it's evening and I pack for my train to Hogwarts tomorrow. Off to Hogwarts it is, and goodbye, Theo. Am I bad for thinking this way? Again those irritating thoughts.
Diving in my own thoughts I sense something behind me, turning only to see Theodore in the doorway. Speak of the devil..
"What?" I snap."You look... you look good," he remarks eyeing me up an down, as if his words can change anything, I shrug, continuing my packing.
"Tell me something, Eva," he approaches. "Why were you talking to Riddle the other day?"
What?? Did he follow me? And why does he know him?!
"What—did you follow me, Theo?" I raise my eyebrows in disbelief. "Answer me." He shoots and I point my finger at him in disbelieve. "You're the one sneaking out at night, fooling around with everyone, yet you question me?" I retort, feeling his hand grip my wrist harshly out of a sudden. "You have no idea who he is. And—" He says low in a hissing manner, finishing his sentence he looks bewildered, as if just realizing what I said and he continues, "You—" I stare at him coldly, narrowing my eyes. "What...?" I lift my chin, "you thought I was that naive...? I may be many things, Theo, but I'm not naive... I play dumb, and you fell for it...Tomorrow, I'm leaving, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. You can stay or go; I don't care. From now on, you can drink and even bring your trophies home." Smiling at him sarcatically I look away.
 I say all this without a second thought... Eva, you should have kept quiet. It was a secret... I'm ruining my own plans.
Initially shocked, his expression turned into a glare as I continued speaking. I feel him tightening his grip on my wrist, his other hand grabbing mine. "Theo, stop," I say calmly, trying to loosen his hold. Suddenly I feel a burning sensation on my wrists as he pulls me towards him, and I accidentally hit his chest with my face. "Theodore, you're hurting me!" I struggle to free myself, scanning for my wand, but it's already in my bag. Suddenly, he grabs my waist, pushing me towards the bed, and panic sets in. What is he doing? Is he really considering—Panic overwhelms me. It's as if all my alarms are going off now. "NO—Theo—please—I—Please—" I beg. He looks at me coldly, a look I've seen maybe twice in our ten years of marriage, but never like this. "You shouldn't have said those things. You have no right to complain Eva. I work hard for you to have the life you desired! You shoul be thankfull, coming from where you are coming from! You were lucky! You still are. And you are my wife.." His hands roam over my body as I try to push him away. "Okay, okay... I'm sorry. Let's talk, okay? Please, Theo..." I plead as his face inches closer to my neck. I catch a whiff of alcohol on his breath, nearly making me gag. I grab his hand, moving it away from my face. "Please, Theo... I... I don't know what came over me." After my last words, he narrows his eyes at my in silence for a while, his finger is slightly touching my cheek as he moves and I can't help but look on the side. I can't even look at him right now.. I just want to leave him. All those years.. Behind me. My gesture seems to make him angry because he thightened his grip on my chin and, then—nothing - Everything turns black..

I wake up to birds chirping and a pounding headache. Oh god my head hurts...I feel like a train hit me.. It hurts so bad... I must have... I must have passed out.
Confused, I sit up, realizing I'm in my nightgown. I didn't wear this last ni—Last night—oh... Oh... I quickly get up, holding my head as I feel a dizzy sensation, hurrying to the bathroom as good as I can, wincing at the sight of my face.. Bruises on my right side.. Merlin... what did he do to me...
He surely wasn't a good husband, not within the past 5 years at least. But this..? He never.. He never psysically hurt me. What got into him..? I must have triggered something in him.. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything last night. But then it would only have made him believe he is in the right, which is not true. He has no right to do this no matter what.. I know that..
I hastily take a shower, knowing nothing will make me feel better after this night.
Theodore is nowhere to be seen or heard since I woke up. Thankfully...
But I can't go like this.. I grab my wand, facing myself in the mirror, narrowing my eyes, murmuring, "Episkey." Watching my face heal itself. Like new. On the outside. Thanks to magic.
I nod at my reflection, adjusting my long black dress as I continue my preparations. I can't be late for the train. 
As I finish getting ready, a sense of determination washes over me. I won't let this incident define me! Theodore's actions only strengthen my resolve to leave, to break free from this toxic cycle. I grab my bags, taking one last look around the room that once held so many memories, both good and bad I'm not going to lie..
 With a deep breath, I apparate to the train station, leaving behind the life I once knew. I can't feel worse today, a little bit of sickness might take my mind off the past 24 hours.

As the Hogwarts Express pulls away from the platform, I find a sense of peace settling within me. The journey ahead is uncertain, but I know one thing for sure—I am finally free. Free from the chains of a loveless marriage, free from the shadows of the past. The future may be daunting, but it's a future that I will shape on my own terms. As the train speeds towards Hogwarts, I gaze out of the window, watching the scenery blur by. The sun is setting in the distance, casting a warm glow over the landscape. A new chapter awaits, filled with possibilities and opportunities. I close my eyes, letting the rhythmic sound of the train lull me into a peaceful slumber. The nightmares of the past fade away, replaced by dreams of a brighter future. And as the Hogwarts Express races towards the horizon, I know that this journey is just the beginning of a new adventure—one that I will embrace with open arms and a heart full of courage.
Courage.. something I really need to win back. 

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